^_^ Recruiting Active Farmers and People that just want to chill ^_^ :th_gawi:
- Guild Leader is : Gandolf The Great
- Looking for ACTIVE guild member's - Farmers and social peoples xD -
- New Comers Welcomed
- Guild Spot - @go 3-
- Monster vs Guild events, Weekly salary, and WoE will be discussed if it is something we want to do. (Woe salary and supplies will be separate from the farmers salary).
:th_ph: If you are new and want a starter guild this is the one! We will help you from the nub you are today to a pvp animal, emperium breaking sinx, or a no life farmer like most of us are xD.
:th_ph: Discount on donated items
(feel free to ask questions I encourage it)
Leave IGN here or look for us at guild spot for an invite!