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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Maiimaii

  1. HAHAHAHA OMGGG what kind of cancer does he have? L.arrows only for sniper? Dafkk??? We aint rushing stuff girl , can you pleaseeeeeeeeee read what kind of topic you are in? We're on my suggestions and you said you disgaree boosting ds dmg and now you are saying put runes for stalker? New acce? Like wtf???? You just making it more OP you are basically saying boost all skill. And what is this ? No idea why this girl loves suggesting more items or neew items when theres already one stop commenting , because you just keep getting bash'd and all of your nonsese idea ugh girl. Just stop lol
  2. Right click > Properties and Run as admin and always play as admin
  3. Uhn try run as admin your setup and fix your resolution. or run as compability somethiike that.
  4. Omgggg, im asking for da damage or after cast delay im not asking for damage overall boost, you dont even know what the old stalker is. People just complain too much and then got nerf'd and leave it like that. Ex gs has good spam of desperado before but then people complain about lag in woe in the end it got nerfd but "Boost the damage instead" , hope you have idea what im trying to suggest now? they nerfd stalker and just it leave like that. Thats why its so dead . I made this suggestion so that stalker lovers would also can play stalker as their main again.
  5. and yeap, You can't do hybrid Stalker they dont have enough boost on their weapon even if you have 2 sets in 1 char stats aint enough, INT boost of stalker is really low , since it came from Thief, and you can't even prolly carry more than 100 seeds if that then LOL RIP
  6. omg... im so speechless. mygod... someobody call 911. B>Cancer pills. SINCE I SAID FCP is everywhere , then whats the point of being stalker w/ low dmg? OMG UGH I cantttttt HELPPPP @Yatogami KYLE idk how her brain works LOL I can tell that you dont really know nothing about stalkers we all know im more experienced than you , ibet you dont even have 3 sets of stalker to test them . LIKE GURLLLLLL MYGODDDD Im gonna repeat "This is suggestion" so please dont show us how dum you are.
  7. Uhmmm, you can get MB'd when you grand cross anyways , im doing it so.. yeah.
  8. Its on Brutal, Gives cold bolt lv 10 and Enable Lv5 Rogue Spirit which is you can't cast on yourself T_T
  9. :OOOO DEPENDSSSSS huehuehe. TPBM is a weaboo
  10. omg how many times should i repeat this to you before you understand? We ain't no LOW/MID Rate LOL (redux origin? do you even know what's the old stalker before? They got redux and people complain?) lul. Stalker not a damage dealer? What it is then? Stripper? pervert? LOL annoyer? and there was no skill origin from stalker that has redux anyways. and can you show me hybrid stalker then? hope you get more than 150k hp ^_^ and decent dmg , not even average damage . and show me how are they good advantages when everyone has FCP. 1 pnuema n rsx you're done for LOL
  11. How can you face your problem , if your problem is your face? - Pakalu Papito


    1. Conner


      WAW Follow me on Twitter


    2. Timmeh!


      y0r f4c3 1s d3 pr0bl3m d03 ?!?!?!?


    3. Maiimaii
  12. Uhhhhh Sometimes? TPBM loves to get spanked :O
  13. NONONONONO KYLE FALSE! TPBM is perfectionist!
  14. Well , i still dont get what this @niemono89 trying to prove LOL. no body even listen to you. and you are the only one who is negative here. Read my suggestion and use your brain maybe you'll understand "MAYBEEEE?" lol What im trying to say here is make stalker worth again like i said, Stalker atm is only being used for Emergency Call in WOE (RIP) they dont do damage even on Gring w/ bjorn its spammable yeah so we got the point there? how bout Stalker Blessed n Cursed they are so outdated on other class. this is why we need to "BALANCE" this stalker thats why im suggesting . And niemono i still have NOOOOOOOOO IDEA what are you trying to prove with trick and some sh*t hello? are you in low rate? ^_^ what is the tricky about here? everyone can get fcp 24/7 its cheap af what is tricky there? backslide? Stealth? Hide? what else? counter insinct? LOL yeah they are useful "IF WE ON LOWRARE/MID" @Yatogami Thanks kyle!
  15. Even if its forums but you need to see that this is suggestion not some Offtopic that you can chill ans enjoy off. This aint skype or something. Ikr? Even balloon snipers can deal more damage hahahahaha
  16. Stop reading this gurl post @Specter you gonna have cancur he's always right he's #1 PVPER sadly tho i dont see her in fild :((((
  17. +1 stahp making double suggestion or u just want some attention? G_G o kaza i not saying to you okay? XD
  18. What kind of suggestion is this? XD help I'll have to disagree with this better make another suggestion
  19. Have you tried running it as admin? or change the program as Windows 7 at compatibility?
  20. +111111 on dat "try to make posts as brief and to the point as possible haha u make too many posts which are like so random lol u can add the random stuff (all in a single post) " #burnAF
  21. att3shun wh0r3 HU3hu3hu3hu3
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