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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Maiimaii

  1. Hopefully this lag issues get fix soon :c

  2. Someone please make a suggestion to put back the spams. Since we already have this anti hack shield no more abuse bn. bring back the old fRO <3


    1. Genesis


      We'll be watching the suggestion forum. :)

    2. Maiimaii


      I guess i have to do it then. 

      Lets make ForsakenRO great again! :)

      Here we goooooo

  3. OMG YAS , Hopefully not those troll ones tho :c
  4. Is there a active GM still? Events are so dead. Most of GM's are inactive. Looking for Active GM PLS AND MOAR EVENTS I feel bad for newbies lul Make fRO Great again please
  5. I kno sum1 HUE HUEHUEHUE WS is legit SHHH
  7. Seems like my ping went up since the update D: is this just me ? from 150-190

    1. Conner


      same lOl my ping went up pretty high too from 45 to 90-100 Q_q

    2. Maiimaii


      200 now HUHU S> PING


  8. Hello? Is the server down?

    1. Maiimaii


      Oh nevermind i just need to patch LOL

  10. Hide n seek? who uses Odex/Ocrit that hides all the way? arent they already for 1on1 melee auto atks type. :p if you wanna be butcher melee there this odex/ocrit
  11. My reaction for this thread cannot be explained My face while reading this -___- And Where did you even saw a sinx wearing Axe? How can a Assasin wear an axe for killing? 2 heavy 4 dem LOL Btw , are you serious or just trolling us? LOL . or it just, it just you? yah. AHAHAHA didnt mean to bash your thread or anything but this dont make any point at all.
  12. No im talking about those classes that you dont need to spam soooooo = no hax = bs spam G_G
  13. 4-5 Days i bet Sinx/TK/SG or any auto attack character will become more popular if u know what i mean <3
  14. Well saidd
  16. +9999999999999 i bet my house for this
  17. Oh really thats why its not written on the description my bad, i never play gs HAHAHA but @Yatogami Gs has already 2 build actually 3 playstyles, i dont think this suggestion should get approved soon because theres other class that need other playstyles. I think they should be prioritized first than this. Well for the sake of balancing xD i agree with this suggestion tho but not right now.
  18. Noooo not huuma please it has slow spam hahahahaha
  19. Check it yourself then, its not bug or glitch they made it like that on purpose we playin fRO not some iRO something therrs somr custom cards made so thats why, idk it just for me sometims i switch to normal atk or something, i do recommend str and lex, 25 atk doesnt help that much. Lets say 50, its better to have 5more str or 10 . 10 str = 100 atk, and it has more 5% hp 2x
  20. Yes it says 25 but check your status info, it gives 100 ATK. Thats why i said its the best. and i prefer 5 str coz it boost more Damage and gives you more hp , and you'll have crits it will prolly rekt you build if that then , and no emperium aurora works anywhere. Well skull aurora / emperium aurora would be better fo me. and try your dmg with higher int lower str and higher str and lowr int , im telling you 120x int and 29x str is better and lokis seal :3
  21. I do agree with that lower down the damage of that mammonite damage its crazy, you can have 300k hp with brutal and doing 100k+ and its spammable. Lower it a little . Or just remove the 20% more dmg for brutal because that what makes it Op
  22. Yes dont nerf it too much , like i said its okay to add 70-100% fs but put delays or lower the dmg but. Stay the spam as like that and also add dmg for kunais so job will not become useless
  23. 1incan/thana and all atroce on the rest, and 90-120 int is enough and go for 29x no point explaining why 90-120 it doesnt realy gets dmg on that it only helps a little bit . So its still str based and yes sinx runes stacks . And as for aura, i'd say emp since it has lore +5 stats because +% on sd wont work so yeah and as for accesories go for 2x lokis with owl baron and str rune. Well thats only me but you can do 2x str rune . And yeah get phree if your hit too low. And skel worker doesnt work on sd and NEVER. Put that high int , im telling you , you would suck. I can do 40-70k sd with 12* int,and 29x str , . Just like i said just use incan/thana , 3x atroce and 4x atroce on dagger . Atroce adds 100 ATK each card so its the best. Have fun
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