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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Maiimaii


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Conner


      oi lend me ur stupid orig ghost avian, no one kno how to get it

    3. Ochibi


      *0* release tha update

    4. Maiimaii



      AND IDK Where my orig avian lul

  2. Also i don't think auto blitz will hit emp tho, because active or auto is still the same there is this just passive on sniper that made them auto blitz so it'll be same as doing the actual skill. would be nice if it is but then, blitz damage is fixed and depends on your not on cards so. i dont think it'll be a good breaker but yeah its fun,
  3. No one played it "thats what he said" XDDD
  4. Please just release the Updateewww omagaaaaaad

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Conner


      dis maii netflix n chill ;3

    3. Ochibi


      Release tha Kraken!?!

    4. Maiimaii


      @Ares not my problem officer HUEHUEHUEHUE

      @Conner i just uhhh bored? Huhu

  5. I know right , they should put back the spam for it before, we also have this 2handed rifle and can spam well , why not put back the Kitty Claw too? its really becoming useless you cant kill anyone w/ this kind of spam .
  6. Why does the Angel of Ghost or the other 1 i dont remember the mask name has no Bash +35%? It was on purpose or? Nice update
  7. I hope the updates this time wont be overpowered other classes and well balanced. well im looking forward to it :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maiimaii


      Why you look so maaaaad, im just hoping huhu. /pat i have no idea what is your point and trying to say about being perfect. ._. meow.....

    3. Master.


      Nerf me in the next partch plox aheuahue

    4. Ares


      Why you misinterpret things?

  8. There's already one has it actually, ive seen one so far, and the overall damage are so bad.
  9. What does Development team do?

    1. Genesis


      Work on updates/testing.

    2. Maiimaii


      I see, seems interesting :p

  10. Thats not my point is , my point it who would use that combo anyways when you can deal much more damage w/ bless ring Combo . What im suggesting it Make it useful since they are freakin hard to make than normal rings we have. This is like worst than bless and cursed. im trying to help here. and Combo is w/ Asura duh? and u say guardian not for asura. ._. combo is Raging Triple > Raging Quadruple > Raging thrust > Glacier Fist > CCC(Chaing Crush Combo > Asura strike thats whta is that combo is.. its not that OP if you can just remove that -100%SP if you wear tanee/fbh. Anyways i dont have any guardian ring so this is not my own purpose i just tried and check everything and its sucks tbh. Please think about it. Like i said check it yourself.
  11. As the title says, its actually pretty useless right now. Guardian rings should be better than our older rings right? and then i did sum test , you can actually do same overall damage on combo asura w/ bless ring and guardian ring so if you wear fbh + tanee and do the combo damage its actually the same , no wait bless ring is actually better since your asura is stronger for about 50-60k more because of FBH / Tanne and ring has 20% SP while Guardian ring has non + %Sp and you do small asura since you needed to equip 2x Firelocks/GEC or else your SP will be -100% SP so what i think is maybe remove that -100%SP fi you wear Tanee/FBH because its completely useless. Try it so you'll understand what im saying.
  12. Stealth Nerf on TK Nice HUEHUE anyways there's only 10 tk's that can do good damage w/o top 10 ur hp and combo is sux. try to understand what im trtying tyo say. while there's a 75% of our server is GS HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE

    1. BeforeMidnight


      Taking the mindless decisions to the next level. Seemsgood. Spend a long time to get into the Top 10, and when TKs become relevant to the PVP scene, they get nerfed. Probably because someone "watched". And from that, gets the conclusion, oh this is OP. I'll nerf it now, explanations later, or never. LUL.

    2. lord_dhan26
  13. Yep, Humans in the Earth was right. Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

  14. Giving the tracking high damage is completely FINE , BUT making it non-cast? I dont call it Tracking anymore. And yes I know guardian ring is harder than normal rings , but that shet sooner or later its gonna be easy like friggs , also rings quests. and if you say so that guardian ring are meant to outshine the bless/cursed rings , How bout this Stalker? this pally? Bio? Prof? and A WS MATK? how is this outshine the rest of RINGS? LOL while GS is foken OP . If you guys dont wanna lower down or nerf the GS Guardian ring and then Reworked the rest of rings. make it useful LIKE GS. CHEERS MEOW
  15. There will be an end to this if they just lessen the damage of stupid trracking or put cast on it. I know guardians is not that easy to make, might be the hardest quest atm on FRO but 650% is too much and its non-cast while the rest of guardians rings are not that good compare to GS.
  16. Yes GS tracking build wud be useless at 1v1 fight IF ITS CASTING THO I was fighting this GS yesterday and his Tracking is Non-Cast.
  17. Oh reallllllllllllly? ofc every skills has counters. but how u gonna do w/ that high spam rate TRACKING dealing 100-200k DAMAGE LOL? HAHAHAHAHA are you making me laf? Tracking DONT EVEN CAST with some Combo Cards and ask for Dispell? Spell Breaker? NICE! SEEMS BALANCED and it his 2x dmg more than FUllbuster and Redux prof? you kidding me? how da fk u gonna kill him then? Stare at him? .... we all knows im more experienced in pvp than you i even stay longer than this server i know how the pvp works well but this? what you gonna do afffter you dispell? we dont do such gangs etc etc like what DC/WS doing :) Excuses? LUL.
  18. Flying Thousand Fist! -2016 Tracking by GS HEUHUE

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lights_of_purification


      wahaha, csgo. headshot.

    3. lord_dhan26


      its pretty much broken.... yeah... serious punch series Q_Q

    4. Maiimaii


      T_T Forsaken Ragnarok is Going to be CSRO LOL

  19. please, I dont know why they like Boosting this Gunslinger class, please be fair . I just saw a GS who deals 150k each tracking and its like 195 aspd spam w/ no cast how is this fair? stop making the Gunslinger Over Powered while its already OVERPOWERED mang. Be fair BE A GM. This Full buster skill of GS is already OP and you add one more OP skill for GS why does it always GS ? i smell something LUL Please think about this , Asura damage can be tank but how bout this? dealing same damage w/ asura and the spam is super fast , and ITS LONGRANGE . it like FlyinG thousand fist meow. ANIME? Please kindly KINDLYYY Balance this shet. Im not saying nerf it only stupid says im asking for nerf. We want to have fun in pvp not to have broken class.
  20. Wellplayed huhu Sssh :3 Yeah make sure you balance that Tracking 650% is still OP even w/ cast on it can still 1 hit peoples LOL and also Why not nerf FB? Tracking is not the only one need to gets nerf but GS itself lol. stop makign that Class so overpowered play fair :)
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