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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Maiimaii

  1. We all know there's so many changes in this past years so maybe updating this thread would really help the people who doesnt know about the bless/cursed ring effect atm aand also it would help old players who comes back and play this server again.
  2. So mhm im buying Log , Trunk, Wooden Gnarl . Please leave a message on my forums or send me a message. ign Rokuberu
  3. As the title says S>SKULL AURORA leave a message here in forums or message me ingame : Rokuberu
  4. +111111111111111111111111111
  5. I dont donate and i own peoples lul donate wont makes u a good player ^_^ its not really pay 2 win u juz need skillz
  7. Hallo Veracity been wondering if do we get Bat Scarf ( the one you wearing) . i didnt see anything at forums either on tokensohp.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Maiimaii



    3. lord_dhan26


      brown = curse?
      cream = bless?
      red = guardian?

      would really look nice th0. +1

    4. Yatogami


      Can't stop staring at that bat scarf >.<

  8. More likely a cursed that Minato Namikaze(Naruto's dad) used to seal with your soul(life) with it RIP
  9. Okay nerf the SG even moree pls ahahauheuahwuhea
  10. Just the title says, not to disappoint you guys but just wondering if is this the "Big updates" you guys were talking about? im sorry inadvance i do not mean anything just asking.
  11. Wut do u even play SG huhuhu
  12. Nope but better to make seperated rooms with party and non-pt
  13. +1 the gring set of gs atm is just a suicide not even a glass canon.
  14. Gring supposed to be better than bless/cursed my ass , sg gring is literally OP , compare to the other grings so what you gonna say about that? And we all know SG/SL has this kihop skills which gives 10% attack per player in party and 20-30 can fit in party when its woe so thats +200%-300%atk dmg inc. and then you talking about hp of sg? Its damn high to do damage . + Sg has hatred/opposition which can 1hit or wipe out the whole guild in emp room. Only SG with gring would hate this suggestion HAHUHEUHUE because they juz want to be play 1button class and 1hit everyone same goes to gunslinger fb before and tracking lul . Just nerf this godd@mn ring. More likely balance it to par with other rings .
  15. I agree with that instead nerfing other class just boost the other class like stalker got nerfed and now cheap af same goes gs nerfed too much wayyy too much. And some other gears aswell
  16. +99999 to what rayray said
  17. When is the UPDATEEEE please tell us the date when it going to be released T_T!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maiimaii



    3. kellermangan


      Maii donate pls


    4. Maiimaii


      @kellermangan you donate pleaseeeee 

  18. This new design on forums is really good , its also easier to use on phone now. Welldoneee +1111

  19. +11111111111111111 for this amazingu forums design


  20. +11111111111111111111111111111111111111
  21. lol
  22. waiiiiiiiiit are you talking about ACID BOMB? D: Bomb cant blocked by pnuema wot are u sayin D:. Acid bomb yes.
  23. If im right you cant get hit by bomb if your gtb
  24. Ninja need balance on this new build ( final strike) maybe doing it 100-120% On final strike and add a little bit damage on kunai's or anything else would be nice this only my suggestion. Not actually nerfing it but changing the effect.
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