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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by llarenasonny

  1. I'm absent too.. Lol
  2. Is this working? Who tried this? This is cool..
  3. You need straight 2 hours online to re enter again the Thanatos room. Do not go offline until you're not done 2 hours straight..
  4. Welcome here.. Just go in the forsaken city, there's a lot of helpful players.
  5. Nice to meet you.. Enjoy the game
  6. Nice guide.. I'm practicing champ ATM.
  7. S>white Devi headphone, Fsold card, Kiels, sniper bless, huge majestic horn, orig lhz aura.
  8. Because there is no @storage and no party allowed inside pvp..
  9. I'm not agree too..
  10. I'm done..
  11. Bring different elements of arrow coz thana is changing element when near to death..
  12. I will pm you in game, I need berzebub card..
  13. I think you should go wizard for better farming and questing..
  14. I remember the days when I'm doing this quest too.
  15. You know what, it's so hard for a newbie to do the quest without a guide and without help of others. I will help those newbies in their quest as my fellow player helped me out.
  16. It's in the wiki..
  17. What is the price of red satan?
  18. If you can't afford 3 Kiel's, you can use 4 silver Kiel's and use expert ring in your accessories..
  19. Love it..
  20. gef_fild11 kill those goblin who runs fast they drop the bags of gold..
  21. Legendary sniper bow with 4 abysmal knight cards..
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