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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by llarenasonny

  1. Welcome to the server.. There's a lot of helpful players here.. See you around
  2. 90 tokens..
  3. Hi Philip welcome in the game.. I wish I can see you in game.. I love to help newbies
  4. Welcome yo the server dude, I see you around also.. Enjoy the game
  5. 4k or ninja bless+ 2k
  6. Thanks
  7. Granted, but when you back to the past it was the time that you have a big tummy. Lawl I wish that mayang or nyx will be my dance tonight..
  8. Champion cursed = ninja bless plus tokens..
  9. What are the schedules of GVG event?
  10. Ok your the cutest nyx..
  11. 1.8k
  12. Welcome bro..
  13. No need to give the items requested by the Npc's, you will give the items to Odin after the raid..
  14. Wtf! I am planning to make this quest but omg, this ain't worth it.. I will just buy that friggs.. And also for the ring quest, it's not that worth it anymore nowadays because of the expensive spiritual whisper. Did you have done quest here in fro without any help?
  15. I'm with the team now.. Woohoo.

  16. Are you done with this? I helped player named THE FALLEN earlier in the game, is it you or you both stuck in that step?
  17. try to download again or repatch
  18. hello and welcome..
  19. How to have signatures or picture here? Lol
  20. Haha.. I can't play that long, back to school..
  21. Yeah I agree too.
  22. How much sir?
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