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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by llarenasonny

  1. What micro is that?
  2. Welcome to the server bro, hope we can see in game.
  3. Welcome to this server dude.. If theres something you need to know, feel free to ask someone here.. Enjoy the game
  4. I'm just wondering how and what are the prices in monster quest and endless tower..
      • 2
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      • Haha
  5. I saw heha how to fight in field too..
  6. Use biochemist and use acid terror..
  7. What?
  8. Me 4..
  9. For newbie like you, put 4 silver Kiel cards in head gears then put 2x expert ring in your accessories.. You can spam fast with your skills.
  10. llarenasonny


    Selling my prof cursed or pally bless to ws bless..
  11. Did you finished talking to Santa north side of the map? Next thing is the raid..
  12. Merry Christmas..
  13. Make wizard for farming and sniper for boss hunting or champ.
  14. Welcome to fro, see you around in the game.. My ign is I am strong


  17. I didnt know that back pack thing. lol, teach me in game james.
  18. Why the price of spiritual whisper is too OP now and some ring price go down? Its not much profitable now to make ring..
  19. The tiger mask not also the same with the screenshot..
  20. I will finish this raid for some friends that don't need salary. Lol.. This raid needs full geared party and you need to pay 20 tokens each. For newbies, it's so hard.
  21. Granted, but millions of ants go there. I wish someone real girl marry me in Fro.
  22. Pally bless + tokens?
  23. This is right.. I think the Christmas hat is not cost like 200 tokens.. It's like a collection only..
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