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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by llarenasonny

  1. Im not screen shot addict.. maybe i need now hahaha..
  2. llarenasonny


    Orig crit, Kiel Turtle general Tao ga ka Ip
  3. You still need tgk?
  4. llarenasonny


    Frigs ROP Butt aura Orange hats Pm me in game
  5. Gr is only 3 to 5 tokens
  6. What are you buying again?
  7. Buy his cape hehe..
  8. You will receive the donation items not more that 24 hours after you donated.. They will keep it in your storage..
  9. How to have signature image in my post?
  10. I'm not playing in Internet cafe sir..
  11. I'll buy Kiel and tao
  12. Welcome back bra..
  13. Questionable..
  14. Yeah check ratemyserver.net
  15. I downloaded the full installer and got no problem with it..
  16. I wanna trade my Kiel to your sinx crd
  17. Check all your quest item specialy to those slotted items or not..
  18. How to make signature?
  19. llarenasonny


    Earlier around 5pm I will vote and when I look at it 4 more hours to vote then after 9 hours I check again for me to vote but it's like 10 hours again to vote it said.. What happened?
  20. llarenasonny


    Kiels FBh Tgk Orig crit
  21. llarenasonny


    Buying frigs, ROP, orange hats cheap only.. Leave offer
  22. Lawl.. It is easy to have tokens in the server.. Just farm and farm
  23. Can I trade your butt to my orig crit?
  24. Yup it's not tradable but useful..
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