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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by llarenasonny

  1. It's not just you.. I'm lag sometimes..
  2. Hello sir.. Welcome to fro.
  3. 2.5k man?
  4. Thanks. I got helped in the game atm.
  5. We, players always differ in style. Some love the cursed, some love the blessed, others love the cape itself only. I think this is nice idea to have npc like that because if we want new look we will not spend much more in buying again those capes.
  6. llarenasonny

    Quest Help

    Did you finished the raid?
  7. James chickboy.
  8. 5 tokens i think.
  9. Helli. Merry Christmas too
  10. Wish there is spiritual whisper in obb/ ovb.:)
  11. I never missed voting. :)
  12. i suggested this too that Fro facebook account should be more active..
  13. read carefully.. lol
  14. Review our server at ratemyserver.net 100 words can make our server populated.
  15. llarenasonny

    Quest Help

    There is Santa north side, after you talked to Santa at the center go to Santa north side.
  16. What head gears can't be stack with vote king set?
  17. Help me how to make cursed ring..

    1. heha


      which part are you stuck?

    2. heha


      please kindly refer to the guide in Help Desk.

  18. It's more nicer if the color of orig lhz aura is different from quest lhz aura..
  19. Ray Ray what is your guild in the game?
  20. I tried auto casting cards, with reflect cards and it's fun.. My stats is int and vit with 195 Atk speed, I can kill using that stuffs..
  21. Welcome bro.. :)
  22. Finally prelim exams done! Woot

  23. ;( no one helps me in game
  24. Can't wait to join this event :)
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