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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by llarenasonny

  1. Not that active I think, I see the members around in different guild nowadays.
  2. Your so lucky you got that savage bebe hat. How many monster you killed before the drop?
  3. Is that the only map where we can farm box of storm better?
  4. You guys are right, the soundtracks are very cool. I love the soundtrack in logging in very much, makes me addicted. I love fro. Anyway, I'm sure you will have have fun here.. Cool players here.. Happy RO.
  5. Free girls.. Nam nam
  6. Good morning Asia. Happy Sunday morning

    1. Ochibi


      Morning Huehuehue !

  7. yeah +1 for randomizing TG spawn. Giving way to other players to see TG
  8. I think its the fault of the player who typed the required words or number because you have 3 times to type the correct word or number. I am wondering why players are not able to type down the correct word or number on if they are not in bot.
  9. Pm wIn_wiN'
  10. Type @go and you will see list of city in fro where you can go.
  11. I can also leech for free.
  12. Why pet is not much seen here in fro?
  13. All his ideas are unique.
  14. Is there a guide in cursed ring quest?
  15. I have a wiz and I like farming berries.
  16. I just wondering why they have so much etoks although there is so few events every week.
  17. Yeah he is..1000 vote for RAW = 5 sets of f.king set Wew.. I'll go for king sets
  18. Do you have the cursed quest guide?
  19. Pm me in game I'll show you. Ign: I am strong
  20. Just @warp every time you see him.
  21. Cool one.. Nice job
  22. So hard to enter this thana room. A bunch of players always there to catch up every two hours. >.<
  23. Yeah relog but make sure if it is 24x24 pixel bitmap photo. There's a lot of converter in google
  24. In game alt+o it's the sound option.
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