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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by llarenasonny

  1. You checked the wiki already?
  2. You get this idea from other server right? I played this kind of server I think. +1 to this.
  3. Gangers in pvp, they are just like hunting in a MVP boss (solo player), when they see this solo player or a non popular player they will kick his ass out. >.<
  4. This is good idea.
  5. I think there's no bot in for now
  6. +1 to this. I just read this too late, but this is good although I'm not that woe player.
  7. I think there's a chance to get muscovite in mining.
  8. Remake another character or i think you should check the ai format
  9. not in all towns.
  10. Merry merry Christmas, I wish to have blue EMP. Hahaha

    1. Ochibi


      Merry Christmas I wan Umber EMP D=~!

  11. Go for_fild01 to the bottom near the warp portal talk to the man.( I can't give the coords because I'm not in game) after you talked, enter the warp portal kill the monster there and collect "old pick". You will use that old pick in the same map to mine at the black stone. Find black stone in the map then click it. You will get random stones and loots when clicking it. Hope this helps you.. When I'm in game I will check the coords. Thanks
  12. Lol. you are in military now?
  13. its too few play that cluck cluck.. hard to win o.O
  14. Someday i will be geared and i will join to this awesome guild.. i always see you around ^_^
  15. Guild Leader are always looking for geared players.
  16. llarenasonny

    Come Come

  17. .
  18. ok ill make a guild.. ill pm you
  19. llarenasonny

    All Pinoy

    Lets make a guild who have Pinoy members only.
  20. llarenasonny


    You choose a brilliant server "FRO" Have fun
  21. who play this game in apple or android/.?
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  22. who play this game in apple or android/.?
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  23. Me too. Sometimes I accidentally sell some rare loots to NPC XD
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