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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by llarenasonny

  1. Pm gm in game when they are online. Are you able to email them bro? By the way I always saw you around at go 11 lol..
  2. When i @ali treasure box it doesn't work sir but when I put @ali 7444 it works.
  3. Nice.. This is good
  4. The value of the L.Gaunts will be lower if they will add Vote accesories..
  5. 15~20 sir
  6. they must be active here in forum too.. common guys lets count to know how many are we that playing Fro..
  7. What cards are best for kitty claw in breaking EMP? Give me basic and advance cards thanks
  8. bianca is cute
  9. you can look in the strategy guide bro..
  10. Hey you all. How many are we in the game actively? Wanna count? I'll start the counting..post here if you are active. I'm number 1
  11. Your very welcome here.. Happy gaming dude..
  12. Add some boss.
  13. no i mean in game.. if it possible to have mailing in the game
  14. Is anyone suggested this before or does the server have this offline messaging?
  15. SO BORED

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ochibi


      So quiet in fcity homie D=

    3. Ochibi


      and gm is helding a event naw xD

    4. llarenasonny


      Yeah sometimes it's so boring..

  16. Add some boss that cost a little.
  17. I break the guild, I will make new name again sorry for that. Pm me in game
  18. What map you farm box of storms?
  19. They can win pvp tokens if they are in pvp room.
  20. Hope somebody teach me how to get it.
  21. Thanks. I have seen it..
  22. Share your stuffs lol
  23. Im hoping also that soon you will be having an active gm who will do event hosting in morning, afternoon and in night. Thanks
  24. Thanks dude
  25. Why many players to the fild rather than in pvp room?
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