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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by llarenasonny

  1. Pm me in game or leave here your in game name. I will pay if we win, I will start a new guild.
  2. How does Kiel affect the damage of BB?
  3. Post your step by step on how to break EMP with timing and accuracy. Include also the effective gear coz to many tips have here. Thanks in advance.. Ign: I am strong
  4. Haha lol.
  5. Already checked. Is the appearance the same?
  6. Is this powerfull daggers?
  7. Is there a guide for cursed quest?
  8. Yup, there is chance dude.
  9. It's not the connection of your internet, you need to repatch the updated bot check.
  10. -1 to this, if you want to kill MVP monster, have time. Sometimes I spend 30 mins to 1 hour to find one MVP monster.
  11. How much is this?
  12. 900 to 1.3k I think
  13. 1k to 1.3k depends in color
  14. Are you active player til now? I'm looking for farmer..
  15. llarenasonny


    300~400 nowadays
  16. 15~20toks
  17. 15~20 toks
  18. 15~20 toks
  19. I wish to have this..
  20. Thanks man.
  21. I don't know bro. :)
  22. They are vengeance again?
  23. Yay! So creative
  24. See me in @go 11 I am always there
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