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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by llarenasonny

  1. We want magic.. :)
  2. Champbless to sniper bless?
  3. Im not done with this quest until now lol
  4. Sometimes they sell 950 when rush:)
  5. Let's make this facebook page active..
  6. What is the name of this pinay?
  7. What quest is this?
  8. Sir genesis why mail system disabled?
  9. I got Kiel's and turtle general
  10. 1600 tokens?
  11. hello.. welcome to the server.. ^_^
  12. DS for thana nad use Blessed ring.. in raid i use 2TG 2PAPER..
  13. alright.. thanks too
  14. ROP 1k to 1.2 -Emp depends in color -Zodiac Aura Legendary is 15 toks and original zod is like 400 to 500 toks -F.token 1F.token=25m -Sun / Moon aura 15 tokens i think -Drooping hats (valk, cat phreeoni, etc) -Deviling Hat and Ruck both 90 toks -Berry Tix 5tix:1tok -1k Chivalry Emblem 8 tokens
  15. i know you will enjoy your RO life here like us..
  16. thanks james ^_^
  17. yap when you donate in peso it will automatically converted to dollars
  18. ill go with expert ring with imp cards
  19. you still need? i will sell 125m ^_^
  20. welocome to the server bra..
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