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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by elykarmic

  1. He Might be the scammer of my thana and p.emp :0
  2. Peacewalker and david all the way. :)
  3. tg and desertwolf. also try vr card. it works. :)
  4. Yeah!! imma graduate soon <3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nyx


      Go Go Ely!! Congratulations :3

    3. elykarmic
    4. Victoria


      What? Haha your reaction is so funny! XD

  5. Have a blessed sunday guys :)

  6. Rolling in the deep Antonov AN-225 :D
  7. I still break many times w/o Ak cards on. hueheu
  8. Then why it is not stated that emperium is a boss type when you use @mi 1288?
  9. I dunno. i dont have abysmal knight card on my weapons. hahaha
  10. Why spend 40$ just for style?
  11. ^ he gay. :D
  12. Im currently watching gintama. hahaha :))
  13. wassap. welcome to your new community :)
  14. im not pro lol. hahah. im very far from being one. hahaha. youre the one who's pro. :) im just a "wanna be" breaker. hahaha
  15. hahaha. Donquixote Do'Flamingo is way better than hizuka. <3
  16. Excited for the next update :D

  17. Its Devilish~> and Crucifix :)
  18. yes you are. huehuehue.
  19. i know certain name(s) of scammers on fro.
  20. hahahaha. im poor. hahaha.
  21. Sap :) enjoy your stay here bro. :)
  22. some scams people to be rich. haha.
  23. well she can conquer any castle alone. hahaha
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