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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by elykarmic

  1. Who's i'll break your heart? carlo?faiz? uhmm. still for me Peace Walker. :p
  2. And im drunk. hahahhhaha

    1. bataclanmarriel


      prang sira hahahahaha balew

  3. Missed Watching oggy and the cockroaches. :D

  4. lol juls. youre the pro one not me. hahhaa. im just a drifter bro :)
  5. the card on the weapon would be thana tg tg phree on the mainhand. and on the off hand tg tg skel worker vr or tg tg tg vr. :) goodluck. :))
  6. Im so really pissed with those scammers.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DeviChi


      lol.. who scam you?

    3. elykarmic


      @mayang. yea. the same person who scammed you. :). @juls. i wont pin point his main char. but he knows who he is. and he's still playing on the server. even got a lot richer now because of bad deeds. .sigh. no actions implemented

    4. bataclanmarriel


      ely pm mo nmn skin kung cno2x gmit nya char ijust want to see him now kung ano itsura haha nga pla nlimutan q n mgpasalamat sau ng personal ^^ sa pgtulong n makausap q at mklala at mtulungan aq ni gm vera ^^ mamats soomuch hehehe

  7. Maybe wednesday on asians at 10pm(Gmt+8) timezone or?.
  8. hmm. i dunno. i still break alot w/o ak cards on.
  9. mmazikik maaaaaaaakiik
  10. Good decisions doesn't make life easy, They do make it easier. <3
  11. Samurai Jackie Chan <3
  12. I dont agree to this. Having a "Practice Breaking Emp Room" is too much spoon feeding for other breakers. The thrill of emp breaking will be gone if there will be a practice room. I played being a breaker for almost a year now. My suggestion is. Do some research. Dont be so lazy. There are lots of card combo's. Try each build every woe.
  13. IP 5s zwei
  14. Damn. im so affected seeing my ex's photo with her new current boyfriend which is also one of my buddies.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rayray


      Don't look then. block them in all social media and save yourself.

    3. elykarmic


      Yeah i'll try to. :(

    4. bataclanmarriel


      lol nkaka relate aquh xD.... just chin up.... and smile ^^

  15. i'll start watching darker than black s2 maybe nxt week. too busy at school works. its really tough to be a graduating student. sighs. And about Hei. yea. i got the impression that he really is awesome. he's like an elite assassin <3
  16. faiz why you inactive? T_T got no one to mess/tease now T_T

  17. Lol. haha. thank you gusy for posting youre fav. animes. haha. i give me a clue on what to watch next. just finished watching season 1 of darker than black. <3
  18. Hahahaha. Its true that bio's are not that effective on aegirs raid :D . Hahah. But its easier to raid Aegirs compared to goh though. Anyways i'm glad that youve finished the raid. <3
  19. Theres a guide on the strategy section. Please look in to it.
  20. nice one. :) sorry for not being online. i was kinda busy with school stuffs. :)
  21. Zenki!!! huehue. childhood! hahaha. Omaigad!. i stopped watching detective conan long ago. the story is like never ending:) hehehe
  22. i would agree to this. :) adding another woe on wednesday asian time :)
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