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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by elykarmic

  1. PVP NA YAN!!! :D . Lemme be teh judge please <3. aheuhehue.Kidding. Stop the flame please. make <3 not war. ahuehuehue
  2. TOKYOOO GHOULLLL. -.- . Any news on tokyo ravens? :D
  3. Waiting for the next update. :)

    1. DeviChi


      gay update? LOL

    2. elykarmic


      gay update just for juls. ahuehueue

  4. kdot. :D lol kidding. welcome back
  5. there are 2 in the server. soo woo has 1. :)
  6. nice suggestion.
  7. Later,
  8. days
  9. Tons
  10. Ely Rides A PecoPeco. ahuehuehuehu
  11. The
  12. his
  13. a
  14. berserk
  15. right hand : xperia z1 compact left hand : xperia ion lol. haha. comparing the two device wont save me. im still fooked up.
  16. left hand: toothpick right hand: cadbury ahahhahha. how could i protect my self if toothpick is my only weapon. . lolololo still fooked up
  17. Left hand: Soldering Iron Right hand: Soldering lead. lolololo. im soo fooked up. ahhaah
  18. Ely Rides A PecoPeco ~ LK breaker. ahuehuehue
  19. UP!!!!. haha. Cant stop laughing. :D
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