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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by elykarmic

  1. Get 5 Imperial helms of the same color to get an emperium aura of the same color. example. 5 violet imps = violet emp, 5 red imps= red emp.
  2. Bio would be an op class if that will happen.
  3. naah. i suggest 4santa poring cards. :D
  4. gold imp is around 4~5k
  5. Revelations led by toshi i think? right?> or dashi?
  6. go make a ticket sir.
  7. ^ Faiz is gay. be careful. i promise.
  8. yeah oh yea. how can you tag erra here? :D
  9. D: why?
  10. KOS!
  11. youre my big boss :p
  12. OK KOS!
  13. Ahuehueuhe. hi loves <3
  14. Hi erra. btw my name is ray earl delfin. im single and very available. i'm from the philippines. and oh. i love you :D. P.S im serious. anyone laughs = KOS ahueuehuehe
  15. i agree.
  16. lots
  17. but hmm. i havnt dc yet for around 15 hours? :D
  18. ^ there. well explained. thanks sir rayray <3
  19. maybe i should start farming too :)
  20. its a ping reducer i think. hmmm. how should i put it. i dont really know how to put it since im not using any of those. :D it tunnels your ping to some server or idk. sorry dude. ask hmm. rayray maybe he could help explain :D
  21. contact your isp :D
  22. Welcome to the server man. enjoy your stay here.
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