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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by elykarmic

  1. forgot to mention gintama and koruko no basket :D
  2. Use Legendary Sword (blade,Crit,Dex) and Legendary Daggers (Hel's,Fenrir.Loki's)
  3. pm me in game. i'll guide you to the vote valkyrie helm color changer.
  4. welcome back to the world of ro
  5. ^ Gwapo me. hahaha :p
  6. Pm me on game. its - H i z u k a - or - Airwalk - . i'll help you.
  7. Code geass is awesome too. Same as attack on titans. Btw there's a new episode on attack on titans
  8. faiz bakla. gwapo me gg hahahaha
  9. check the strategies topic for sinx theres a lot on it.
  10. Is there pro signature maker here? :D
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  11. yes
  12. hahaha
  13. Whats your favorite anime guys? Mine's SAO/Gundam Seed/Wing series/Inspector Detective Yakumo and Hyouka. :D
  14. since dice/warp/h&s/guess that monster events are kinda old school. Why not make a new event? it should be fun. hmmm. mechanics are: players must use lvl 1/1 novices use of cspeeds are prohibited and gears off and no minas. the map should be a maze or a dungeon where warps are prohibited for this event. Then there should be obstacles and monsters like zombies etc. . .if the player dies along the way, he/she can still continue until no one reaches the finish line, but he/she goes back at the starting line. hmmm. what do you think? open for suggestions for the betterment of this topic :D <3
  15. hahaa. seven -7
  16. ^ you haven't seen abe play GS. haha. :D
  17. orc skel on both main hand and offhand. then sir what if i use 2glooms on the armor? then it'll make my damage to holy 120% right? but from what i heard. the max damage modifier is only 100%. Is there any sub card for the orcskel on the offhand? like TG?
  18. Hey you see me, pictures crazy, all the world if seen before me passing by. . .

  19. Hahaha. i give points to abe. :D
  20. Lol arent you tired with this topic? huehue.
  21. Free Emps for everyone pls <3
  22. 8k tokens or offer. :D
  23. elykarmic

    S>Violet Imp

    Leave Offers here. i'll Pm you in game. or PM me in game whenever im online ign: - H i z u k a -
  24. Plok Above them all. gg
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