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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by elykarmic

  1. Trans still is the top man. hahaha. trans emp pls :D
  2. ehem.
  3. Guys. teach me how to break pls :D
  4. go to master's room. on the castle.
  5. Its with your Broadband. What was your BroadBand sir?
  6. ^ its true trans. i cant break an emp. :( Yeah. ryan is the boss. can tank tank break, he's like superman. btw. its christmas. share some blessings ryan. :D
  7. Teach me how to be a breaker guys. T_T
  8. ^ Yeah. Fia and Peacewalker. I wanna be like them someday. gg. anyway teach me how to break plox. :D
  9. and that is transgression /gg
  10. elykarmic

    Lf~>Guild :)

    Looking for a guild. decently geared sinx here /gg. and how much is the salary :p
  11. Breakers from Forsaken Gods and Public Enemy
  12. im too lazy today :D

  13. For Crit type: total str divisible by 10 195 attack speed crit 101 then the rest vit For the weapon: OrigSinxCrit/LsinxCrit/Mainhand:1tg 1orc skel paper paper O.Fenrir/Lfenrir/Offhand:2Abyssmal knight 1TG 1Desert Wolf Im not a very good breaker but i hope it helps. - Hizuka/Heero of vengeance. :D
  14. yeah. +1 to unclickable. it wastes my cspeeds whenever i click those flags. :D
  15. ayt. +1 for the cool emblem :)
  16. +1 to this. it'll help other players communicate/mingle more on their guildmates and be more active on the guild. And it'll toughen up the teamwork of each guilds.
  17. not even a single breaker could last a minute on the emp last euro woe. im sure it can outheal the damage on the emp.
  18. We were surprised during the last 5 seconds on euro woe. We were heavily defending the emp for about 50 minutes. and keep putting a sanctuary. We were Heavily defending the emp. In fact not a single sinx can stay up to 2 minutes on the emp not even 1 i think and to our surprise the emp broke on the last 3-5 seconds of woe? the hell. And told us that they keep on hitting the emp? We got sanctuaries we got paladins chanting on the emp. Its impossible to get a +0 attack on the emp. Then members from crayon said that emp cannot be healed and even sanctuary. And heres a SS from GM Gen. proves that Sanctuary heals the emp.
  19. Having trouble on Cursed Ring Aegirs part. >.<

  20. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
  21. Why i cant connect to the server?

  22. <3 <3 <3
  23. far right of fcity @ the mvp room.
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