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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by elykarmic

  1. ^ He has the same name as me O.o hahaha
  2. ^ Faiz is gay kara. beware. huehuehue
  3. have you watched all that rayray? xD hahaha. soo many
  4. sooo many pro breakers. :D well my picks are David(Conqueror),Nas, Fia, Peacewalker, Faiz, Devilish~>
  5. huehuehue. Im already 1 year old on FRO :D
  6. i wont be online this weekend due to school stuff that i have to attend T_T.
  7. i feel sorry for inui T_T
  8. Beware of scammers/hackers/and posers.

  9. Mouse, Razer or alienware?
  10. Me please.
  11. Piano Boieng 747 or Airbus 380?
  12. B>+10Black Base Ball Cap or +10 Black Deviruchi Headphones = 300 Leave Name here. or Pm me in game - H i z u k a - Thank You.
  13. welcome back <3
  14. me please.
  15. Boarding on an "In-Flight" plane. IFR or VFR :)
  16. B>+10 Black BaseBall Cap= 300 Message Me :D

  17. no im not T_T
  18. For me. crit. :) hmmm. but its difficult to explain though.
  19. Nice guide bro.i hope you could help me out on breaking tooo :)
  20. again with this topic. -.-
  21. no your'e not. its me thats cue. :)
  22. White Sugar. . . Fixed wing or Rotary wing? :D
  23. I'll be upup and away :D

    1. kayl21


      cause they gon' judge me anyway so whatever.

    2. elykarmic


      i will be rollin' up. hahah

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