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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Aerynth

  1. One; Emperium's health point 700m, reasons being it shouldn't be too high for the defending castle to slack. If it takes too long to break, it'll get bored as well. Two; a slight increase in drop chance would be great, encourage more people to WoE and if its too low the guild leader would hoard for too long cause the castle drops are too rare. Three; I like the timing now, so nothing from me. Four; it's part of gameplay, should not be removed.
  2. I'm glad you're happy, so that is all I want if anything. I'm doing good too. Doubt you'll be reading this anyway, but hope you're enjoying life there. Sincerely, your friend.

  3. ....
  4. He fucking lazy. I fed up waiting. We need an identity to own this shit. We sir are gonna police the WoE. Fed up with people complaining and not doing anything about it. Let's make a change. We show them how we play.
  5. Looking for someone to help make me a guild emblem, do private message me. I'll pay for it, only if I like it. Paying well.
  6. Alliances and making enemies are all apart of WoE, it's part of strategizing. When to break the alliances is also strategizing. It's a form of art in a war. Believe me I've played long enough to have witness individuals or radical guilds that would fight against alliances and succeed in doing so. I've done it as well. This point should not be used as an argument for a suggestion mainly because it is baseless and it is more of a complaint rather than wanting to make the situation better. Please think thoroughly before posting on the suggestion board. Lets think of a better way to improve WoE, could we all just combine this to one topic for easy reference?
  7. I agree with you, yes to an extent, actually almost fully. I would just want to open up to suggestion on WoE to see if we could make it more interesting than it already is. Funny story but what Norse_Joog said has some truth in it, more health point just gives the bigger guild more advantage in a sense that they won't be taking care of their castle or defending it to their full extent. Where is the fun in that if there is no pressure in defending? However much I agree with Norse_Joog, I agree with you that the health point of Emperium shall not be 250m anymore as we have many more custom now that boost our damage output a lot higher than before, therefore a minimum of 650m should always be a fullproof foundation for WoE, it's just that I was thinking if the health point fluctuates and de-fluctuate so often, people wouldn't know the perfect timing to break anymore, which to me adds a little spice in the gameplay. Just my two cents though. Oh and yes of course, adaption to circumstances is key to victory, no doubt. Just laying out how fRo could be a better place.
  8. What about this for a suggestion. The higher your castle's economy, the lower your Emperium's health point. You want higher economy for better castle drops, you better defend it, with ALL your guild members. By saying this lets make the drop chances higher if your economy is high, that would push people to defend their own castle as its a higher incentive for them. Lower economy castle should get higher HP and lower drop chance, fairer for all guilds, be it big or small. With this no body would know what health point the Emperium has and everyone could only guess it's health point by observation, this way you can't possibly time when it is the best time to break it accurately and this would make strategizing and coordinating in WoE fun again. It's a win-win for both of your stand points. If this is possible to code then from my stand point it would be a fun-filled pressurizing WoE for all to play, cause honestly speaking, we all like to stick a finger up other guild's noses and rejoice when we're the victor. End of story. Honestly the changes doesn't really matter to me cause I'm too used to having changes from fRo all the time, I've learn to adapt in every updates. Be it by the economy, market, or gameplay. I honestly feel I can break it however the circumstances or whatever the timing is. I just had to boast, mind my ego.
  9. Give me 20 veteran WoE members and we will hold easily 2 to 3 castles every WoE. On the issue at hand, doesn't really matter to me. The HP now doesn't seem too impossible for solo breaker like me, if I still do play vigorously.
  10. Willing to break for any guild who funds me two of the new valk daggers.

    1. Beautiful


      willing to make love to you for 1 of the 2 new valk daggers

    2. Rayray


      Get your ass back here, I already see brax around. LET'S DO THIS.

    3. benchiiie
  11. A change for once, I have not break with the new emperium yet but I'm sure its fun. Time to pick up this game again, :) Guess we'll have to change the way we play.
  12. Usable but redundant.
  13. Welcome on board fRo. :)
  14. Buying Tyr's Shuriken.
  15. So the new weapons sprite for sinx are the NPCs?
  16. Noob.
  17. I am looking for a guild to join. Hoping to have some fun. Can't be much help but I will try my best to fit in. Would appreciate guidance, if there is anyone kind enough to teach me the ways of fRo.
  18. You sir, are amazing. Pro shizzle. Can I be like you sir? :)

    1. Rayray


      You sir, is more amazing, can you be active again :p

  19. Flame wars will always be there, regardless. If you want to be amongst the top then you have to live with people being envious of your achievements. There is no need for a poll, just a judiciary system amongst the Game Masters to come out with either a unanimous or the most votes for said awards. I agree, why not. Life at fRo will be better with a lot of dramas, it pushes people to be more competitive. We can't be all nice and sweet. +1
  20. I feel like coming back to play..
  21. You played breaker longer than I do?
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