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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Aerynth

  1. Cool!
  2. Aerynth


    Oh hey, I used to main in that server. Well, I found a place call home here, hope you feel the same way I do.
  3. Bump, having too little seeds with a mere 200k HP that can't tank most Asura. In desperate need of that Enlarge weight limit! And is it me, or does Sif's Whip gives out 5 more dex than Bragi's Lute? I suggest Bragi's Lute to have the same too.
  4. On behalf of the veterans, I sincerely apologize for their comment. However, most of us can understand why they did so, much had been said about this topic already. We've been here long enough to know what works best and what does not. I do commend you for coming up with this suggestion, however, I disagree.
  5. Cause I'm looking for a maid to hire. Haha!

    1. NaruMisaki


      Who, where, why AND WHATT????!!

  6. It is a curse. It will go off, doesn't last long. What you could do is /effect that would help you turn our sight to normal. Be sure to turn your effects back on. Hope this helps.
  7. Wyatte, Severe Conflict, and Peacewalker.
  8. It didn't took me long to learn how to play a breaker. It took me a month to master it. It's not the matter of how long you play the class, its how you play the class. The same case for Shreya, it didn't took her long to learn how to be a great Paladin, she learned it well, over a short period of time, and has proven so in WoEs. Sure she hasn't been on the PvP limelight as much, but if she does, you would find it a tough time to counter her. Do not get me started on how the "leader" of a certain guild gather a few member to bring her down on PvP enabled map and was unable to do so. This proves she knows what to use and when not to use when dealing with different jobs. Still, I respect your opinion, I am not denying there are other good paladin out there, but in my eyes, she is the best. Reflecting, dispelling, Magic reflect, equipment breaking, battle chanting, magnum break, freezing, all of which aren't hard to do. It's rather, easy. So please don't tell me as if only a seasoned player is able to do so, it depends solely on the player. She has the full capability in doing so.
  9. The person above me doesn't dresses nicely.
  10. I know reflect plays a great deal, she is already great as a "support" Paladin, I barely die even when there is many around emp. She does play reflect too, but I can't afford her to be on reflect during WoE, as we are a small guild against everyone. I'd say she has that so called "range" as well, she's hasn't played paladin as long as the players you mention but she sure knows how to go out of "support" as well. I find it funny you guys didn't mention her it at all. To be honest, it isn't hard to go out of "support" if you have the knowledge. I would like to add Handy into the list as well of you would like to talk about all rounder Paladin, but I still stand with what I say about Shreya. She still is amongst the top if not, she is the best amongst the top. Just my thought too, :)
  11. 5 man guild, where else you have a whole guild. Rofl. She tanks all of you easily, and the only time she dies is when she devo me when I am on full break.
  12. Haha, I beg to differ. He's at most maybe second.
  13. Sentient, hands down.
  14. Once upon a time, OSFA had a high Eco castle, but they lost it today. The end.
  15. Not granted. Fk you. <3 xD I wish that I can turn back time.
  16. Aerynth


    "God gave you a face, you make yourself another" - William Shakespeare
  17. False, just a plain ol stone. The person below me, is from "No Mercy".
  18. The person above me talked to me today in game!
  19. 1814.
  20. Aerynth

    This Or That?

    Chocolate Sunday, :P Fish or Chicken?
  21. Aerynth

    This Or That?

    Rural. Noob or Pro?
  22. Breakbot - One out of Two.
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