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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Aerynth

  1. The abalone 1400 feet under the sea!
  2. I hope these quest are already being planned and taken into placing. If it is considered. It would be really interesting to see an extended quest for the armors. Not sure whether or not the extended quest will result to an imbalance server. I'm still new so I've still got lots to learn. Don't mind me.
  3. Oh so sorry, I only put it on YouTube, haha! Thanks for reminding. :) Hope you like it. :) Thanks for the comments guys! Much appreciated! Keep the ball rolling people! Unfair advantage bro?
  4. Check out the trailer me and noob sook made, enjoy!

    1. Appie


      awesome trailer yo! :3

    2. Aerynth


      haha thanks! :D

  5. http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZKx6DLdW1h0 IGN : Aerynth Programs used : iMovie , Windows Movie Maker, Adobe Photoshop, Fraps If requested, we will post up a HD Version! :) Enjoy!
  6. Don't close the entry too early. I am making one right now. Hopefully will be done asap! I want to join this! Thank you :D
  7. Aerynth

    3 Idiots

    Haha ya tell me about it , I watched it like about 10 times already. Never got bored of it!
  8. Solved it, mange to do it. Must be some error some where on my side. kept trying and it work. thanks anyway :)
  9. Aerynth

    Frigg Shield?

    What did they change? D: FML
  10. The npc said, "???" , and yes I am on the same character and is in the correct sequence NPC.
  11. My vote goes to [6]sookyay. Creativity - 5/5 Technical - 3/5 Execution - 4/5 Aesthetic - 5/5 Total Points: 17 I like how simple and not "overly" done your signature is. I never know they were such game until you made me Google-d it. It sparks my curiosity of the game, its eye catching and the colours in your signature blends in harmony. Tho there is not much complicated technique used in making this signature ( From what I seen ) , the signature stands out more than the rest.
  12. I can't seem to do the valentine quest, for the flower band. I've done the Crimson Rose and Heart Ribbon Band, no idea what is wrong with the npc for Flower Band.
  13. How much you selling your str belt bro?
  14. Aerynth

    3 Idiots

    Heck I'm Chinese, but the movie is oh my ******** GOD so GOOD! Sho the very awesome! Anyone agree?
  15. Rebecca Black - Friday LMAO!
  16. Aerynth

    Frigg Shield?

    Heck I'm finishing my frigg quest, don't go make suggestion on making it harder. IT WILL KILL ME! Haha! I'm loving it that Frigg is quest item! :D
  17. Selling Poring Letter, [400] nothing less than that or offer. I accept trades too.
  18. Aerynth

    Skoll Card

    FOR THE WIN! I'm no thana user, but I agree fully on this. This just makes the server balance and give other player a chance to be equal with those who have the luxury to have a thana card. They shouldn't have all the rights to be God above all players and I too, plan to get a thana card in the distant future.
  19. Cool new event hats! Liking the effect of Heavenly Maiden! Sadly not liking the look tho, haha! Keep up the good work!
  20. I learn something new today, haha thanks!
  21. ROFLMAO!
  22. Cool! I love the new update! Things just get better and better each month!
  23. Frigg's is killing me.

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