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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Aerynth

  1. You do not particularly need dex with all the new items going about in fRo. Just remember to have 345 hit in total, to not miss the Emperium. The ring should do the trick, if I'm not mistaken. Sorry I haven't been playing in a while.
  2. Skype.
  3. Guess its about time for me to retire from Lord Knight. Nice update!
  4. Fabled, the guild with only 7 members competing against big guilds. We've conquered castles, break economies, and I've given out 13 Emperium Auroras, 2 Imperial Helmet, countless of rucksacks in the span of less than three months. Elith, for being the underdog, and never fear to rise up to the challenge. Fabled's counter part. Proud.
  5. Oh Lord Knight.. How I've miss you.
  6. 2.2k
  7. Guilds that are small and deadly is still the best for me.
  8. No sex it is then.
  9. I'm guessing the answer is a no?
  10. Will it be possible for a mediocre player like me to join?
  11. I still think of you, every once in a while. Things are really different from the way it used to be. I hope everything is fine on your end. Sincerely, your friend.

  12. Cool, didn't notice that there is a new update. Good job, :)
  13. What happen to talking about hentai?
  14. Fabled, and Elith.
  15. Let's talk about hentai.
  16. Too much has been said about this topic. You should know by now how this is going to be. Good read though, cheers.
  17. It works. It just doesn't show.
  18. I did read the whole thread. I disagree, still. Even if Elith didn't had the drops, I would still disagree. Drops was never my motivation, I gave out all the drops and keep none. Like I said, I understand where you guys are coming from, I too, would want higher drop rates so that my guild members can be rewarded, but for the sake the server, in the long run. I disagree. Though i understand that it is a bit of a let down to get castles for so long and not get anything. But essentially the castle drops are just the same stats as the old castle's drop. Just use the old castle drop, it doesn't affect you in PvP. The only real difference are just the colors. Its just my two cents, I'm respecting your opinions, I'm just giving out mine.
  19. I disagree, the drop rate should remain as it is. Keeping it low will help the server's economy in a long run. Lower drop rate means lesser castle drops circulating around the server. This has been a problem and it has clearly been shown before they implemented the new castles. In respect to all the guilds in our server, I have always believe in the system of castle rewarding the players, and never believed in giving out salaries. Which is why to a certain extent I can understand, why you would want an increase on the drop rates as I would love to see my guild members to be rewarded as well. However, I still have to stick to my point, that I disagree to this. My reasons are the same with what Ray had mentioned in this thread. Mind your words Deniz, you have my respect for helping out lesser geared players to be geared up by giving out salaries. But to say that the people who disagree to this suggestion has already gotten a drop is lacking maturity. Ray didn't get any castle drops, is it fair to him or anyone that post their disagreement, when you post such comments? They are entitled to their opinions as much as you do.
  20. I didn't notice this issue. If so, I thoroughly agree with what you suggested.
  21. Hi, :)
  22. I would like to see you try. Much luck. Cheers.
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