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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Aerynth

  1. Hi! You scammed me. How? :(

  2. Hi! You scammed me. How? :(

  3. I'd come to agreement if there is a change in color. But if this is doable, I want to convert my rings to my sacred wings. The ring is killing my looks.
  4. Sorry though, I'd have to disagree with this. I can understand the looks wise as I'm a sprite whore myself. If possible I want a limited edition Imperial Helm if this is doable. There would be so many request to fit to people's need of fashion and in terms if PVP if they're wearing the cape, I wouldn't know what ring effects are they having on them.
  5. You'd have to delete and make the character again. There isn't a skill reset, there's only a stat reset. Be careful not to raise the level of the skill that caused this.
  6. Ray you making me blush. Trying to get back into shape after beig inactive. Just geared up a Lord Knight again from scratch, will be rocking them back again. The only two other Lord Knights that I look up to are of Xtopher's and Supreamus's. Them beastie boys.
  7. Good luck, if there is any help or questions that needed some answers, the community would be happy in assisting you in your conquest. Welcome to fRo, hope your stay is enjoyable. Regarding about being the best Lord Knight in the server, you would have to beat every single one of us that mains the class to claim it. Heh.
  8. You just answered it yourself, it ignores enemy's DEF so it will not ignore their MDEF.
  9. If you must know, battle ground works in a way that you have to incorporate team work. The flaws of other classes could be covered up by another class of your party. Priest could be useful again, Paladin would have an important role and Whitesmith's buff would be your double attack. We have an event like this in the past, I forgot what's it called but I see this as good fun. You don't just need to restrict yourself from using Valkyrie set or Diablo set, there are tonnes of items you can play around with. Beats just sticking to custom items and you would have more fun scratching your head on what your opponent might be using. Lets all not be spoilt brats.
  10. We go ol'fashion, why not Valkyrie set and Diablo set? Have a battle ground with no custom items on. I miss this. Veterans can still be noob therefore fair play for newcomers. Afraid this might not be popular? Give good rewards, people bound to join.
  11. The way this works is that you can equip any equipments on a Super Novice even if it's a class specific type of equipment, even after the link loses it's effect the item that has been equip-ed will still be on that character. The character will not be able to wear it he un-equip his equipment but can still put it back on when he has the link effect on him. Even with this flaw, they could just default the Ring on them and never take it out, so there isn't a point on what you had just said.
  12. I go cray cray over sacred wings.
  13. 104 critical rate. You won't miss.
  14. Ray is right about the Vanberk however I would still suggest to use it either way even if your critical is already at 104. After having two Seyren cards on your +10 Helm and a Fsoldier card on your aura, you have an additional slot for a card which I would rather place a Vanberk card than a Maya Purple Card as it saves me 2 strength points that I would not need to add thus saving valuable status points. I usually jsut use Box of Sunlight if I need to spot any invisible players. Back in the days where Blessed Ring was unavailable, I was using a build with 4 Vanberk cards without adding any Luk whatsoever. Be creative with your build, it can be to your surprise what other cards you may use. I have extensively experiment on a lot of breaking builds and card combo. It's rather quite easy to build the perfect build nowadays as the custom items available now makes it almost zero effort to make a solid breakers build. Also regarding your guide, I have always find having 345 hit rate for Thanatos build is the best. You still need to have Dex unlike Critical build like I have fore mentioned. This should be as much as I could share. Good effort though, although I don't like seeing breakers guide. Laughs.
  15. I'd bring back Spiral Pierce anytime.
  16. Doppelganger Card does not work that way in this server. It merely adds just a little ASPD. You're better off adding agility like some have suggested.
  17. I finish my first Friggs in a month. That's how lazy I am. Plenty of Friggs now, all bought. It's always nice doing the quest at least once to know the story line and I actually enjoyed exploring maps to find where the NPCs were hiding, although albeit frustrating. It's all good fun doing quest without guides and if it wasn't a core item, I would most likely not do it at all.
  18. How has everyone been doing?

    1. Rayray


      Been horribly busy Shane. :D

    2. Monaco96


      nothing to do ^__^

    3. NaruMisaki


      omg missed you again! darn it

  19. Multiple guild hide-outs with the basic hide-out NPCs, except buffers. Buffer replace with a healer should be fine. Anything that works, can't really be bothered too much about it unless it's about bringing the buffer back then I am against this.
  20. Critical has a better damage consistency and you would have the ability to not only break but to deal damage to others as well during WoE, this means you could very well defend and break at the same time. The advantage of this build is that you can skimp on a lot of stats and add a lot more vitality that adds on to more health points, thus surviving longer. This build does not require any Dex as critical ignores the flee rate of all players. With all the new items and the valkyrie weapon for Assassin Cross and with the new addition of the Blessed Ring for Assassin Cross, you don't really need to add Luk at all. Thanatos build breaker is a different build all together, the damage is from average to high and it does not have a steady flow of damage consistency. However this build has the added advantage of the Double Attack skill that increases it's damage per second output, thus increasing your chance of breaking the Emperium, reason being the more damage per second you deal the higher the chances of you getting the last hit. You would also have to deal with having lesser health points compared to Critical build assassins and you would also not be able to hit other players as the usual build for a Thanatos build have only enough hit to hit the Emperium and not players with decent flee rate. With that being said, even without Thanatos card, you could still break with a Double Attack build so long as your damage that you are dealing to the Emperium is high enough to level with the other builds. It is very much possible, tested and proven. Hope this clears out to everybody about the differences between the two build, I would not help out on giving you a build as it's rather personal to me. What I can share with you is that most of the advise given on this thread are of somewhat relevant and of use. Good luck in breaking. Cheers.
  21. If you're good enough. 10-12k.
  22. Where are you?

    1. NaruMisaki


      Somewhere in malaysia. sorry wasnt active and i didnt bother to check the forums :x

  23. You had me on your first sentence. I was about to murder you if you say anything about nerfing this class whose full of disadvantages. I still own with 4 AVs, but yes, would be nice to shout out the card although not necessary. It helps, on maps where there is a lot of people. So I don't mind and yes not on chat window. That would be too much spam.
  24. Make a new character.
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