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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. Please see the above post for why this isn't plausible. Thanks for your suggestion nonetheless!
  2. Like Bishop said, @noks works on all mobs, not only specific ones. :)
  3. Sure, thanks for your suggestion! :)
  4. This isn't really necessary at all not to mention this was an official change made by Gravity and hardly anyone has supported this.
  5. Not really sure what you mean or what exactly you're suggesting... If you mean for the forums, we're looking into this. Thanks!
  6. We'll disable the EDP bottles in the PvP room and we're going to look into an NPC solution that makes sense. Making it so you can only talk to an NPC while not being attacked isn't really possible.
  7. We've already reduced the amount required for the legendary quest, thanks for your suggestion! :)
  8. This should be fixed now, please file a ticket if there are any issues... thanks!
  9. We'll do this, thanks!
  10. We're not going to take the castle back since we shouldn't have to, the fact we would even need to indicates that there's a problem we need to resolve with WoE 2.0. We're going to look into this more and start getting more community feedback concerning WoE 2.0. Thanks!
  11. Thanks for your suggestions, but there hasn't really been enough support for us to do this from the community.
  12. This has already been implemented, thanks for your suggestion!
  13. There hasn't been enough support for this, you can test during WoE instead however. :)
  14. We added @whodrops, thanks for your suggestion! We've also added @whereis so people can view where mobs spawn. The other commands you suggested, particularly autolooting multiple items, would make botting significantly easier so we're not going to add it. :/
  15. We'll do this, thanks!
  16. The reason why some people will notice the mob spawns are different is because they're updated to their renewal spawns. There should be 40 spawning on um_fild02 according to RMS. You can file a ticket reporting any issues with spawn rates being incorrect so we can look into it. Thanks!
  17. We need more community feedback for this to happen.
  18. We don't base the headgears we select for different rewards on whether they're 3rd class, etc. They were chosen because they fit the theme of Halloween but there are only so many we add at a time. They're basically chosen based on player's suggestions or what we feel is best. If there was enough demand, we could perhaps add it as a Valkyrie expansion headgear though. :)
  19. This has been fixed in one of our recent updates. :)
  20. While the idea itself is good, there are a lot of problems with this. People often forget their passwords, especially after taking a break, and there wouldn't be a way for us to recover what the storage's password is since it would be separate from the account. Thanks for your suggestion though!
  21. Genesis is Santa, Justice and I are the elves, and the event GMs are the reindeer haha. :)
  22. Merry Christmas everyone! <3 Kaosed, we're still in the process of adding some of the vote items. We're enjoying the holidays with our families as well. :)
  23. Presents... Happy Holidays from all of us at ForsakenRO! This has been a great year for ForsakenRO and we have so much to celebrate! Thank you to all of our wonderful players, both new and old, for making the server such an awesome place. We're grateful for each and every one of you. fRO is doing better than ever before and we have lots of surprises and goodies planned for everyone in the new year! But for now, let's celebrate the holidays and be thankful for our friends, family, and loved ones. We hope all of you enjoy the hard work we put into this update and have a wonderful holiday with your loved ones! Sincerely Genesis, Veracity, and Justice Save Santa quest! Santa has been kidnapped by Orc Claus, who plans to take over Christmas himself! Help rescue Santa so all the good boys and girls get their gifts and Christmas goes on as planned. Santa may even give you your present early, whether you want a Santa Poring Hat, Christmoose Cap, Red Tamoshanter Hat, or Christmas Tree Hat! All headgears have the same effect as the Forsaken Knight Helm! New Vote Items for the Holidays! Brand new Pink Pajama Hat, Blue Pajama Hat, Sigrun Wings, Sheep Hat, Snowman Hat, Racer Helm, and Bell Ribbons! Available in the Vote Rewards (through the control panel) for 100 vote points each! Their effects are: All stats +15, HP +3%. Players can now use @whereis (for checking where mobs spawn) and @whodrops (to see what mobs drop specific items)! Fixed issue with guild rental set not giving freeze immunity or stat bonus for entire set Reduced weight of chivalry emblems to 1 Increased paladin halberd grand cross damage by 15% (legendary weapon increase by 12%) Disabled dealing/chat boxes on WoE maps Made it so any of the appropriate class can wear the blessed/cursed rings Silver FBH didn't remove attack damage from prof, it now does so. Deviling hat, combat knife and knight shield no longer stack. Dawn Essence now drops from Mistress. Fixed issue with itemshop gangster scarf giving the wrong item ID A'gir's key can now be dropped. Fixed issue with storyline where the broken crown item ids wouldn't match. The correct broken crown is dropped by Gopinich. New Holiday Forsaken City by Justice exclusively for ForsakenRO Previews by Barbie exclusively for ForsakenRO Coding and bug fixes by Genesis Headgear selection and quests written by Veracity Suggestions from our awesome community
  24. Are you still experiencing the disconnects?
  25. Excited for the holidays! :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Veracity


      We're testing a part of it out now! :D

    3. ScarletDevilmoon


      Yea snow :D, I guess it's frost season :P, if only there was a snow ball fight event xD

    4. Leo `D

      Leo `D

      Superduper excited

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