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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. Welcome to the server Daniele! I wish I lived in Italy haha. :( Feel free to always stop by the help desk in go 25 if you ever have questions and I'd be happy to help you out! As for your question now, Nadtorious and Iceforlover are right. :) The NPC is the Forsaken Kafra.
  2. We'll be sending out the GM acceptances tomorrow, sorry for the wait everyone! :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. haLesSy21


      What about the promotional event winner? :)

    3. Asuna <3

      Asuna <3

      I hope i an get stalked by u Scar haha if i do make it :( even though i wont..

    4. masterneil


      Hope I make it :333

  3. In go 25, if you go to the top of the map you'll see it there. :)
  4. Beautiful is correct, you're not intended to be able to wear both. We're going to look into this and make sure it's working as intended. It should work like the Valkyrie weapons (e.g., you can't wear the Assassin Cross Critical weapon with Loki's blade).
  5. Welcome, Shintani! A lot of people seem to have that question too. :) We're going to add a warper to accommodate players who are more used to that, hopefully sometime soon. If you have any more questions, feel free to swing by the help desk in go 25! Happy playing! :)
  6. Silver MvPs have been re-enabled in game Poring hat won't stack with Forsaken King shield or Frigg shield. Expert Ring won't stack with more than 3 kiels. Fixed issue with vote set not giving correct stats. Fixed description of scarfs Updated Description for Fallen Bishop (doesn't work with professors) Updated Description for Kiels and Silver Kiels Ktullanux now spawns at ice_dun03 (instant respawn, only 1 per map) Lost Dragon spawns every 20 minutes, not every hour now. Fixed it so all activity rewards can be storaged now Fixed issue with Maero of Thanatos not dropping the correct fragment
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  7. We are reviewing GM applications, we'll send out acceptances in the next couple of days. :)

    1. ScarletDevilmoon


      Must find out so I can hunt them down >:)

  8. Hiya Anderson, welcome to fRO! :) I'm sure you won't have any trouble making great friends here, our players are the best! <3 If you have any questions or just want to chat, feel free to swing by the help desk in go 25! Happy playing!
  9. Thank you for pointing this out! This is exactly why recoloring the capes really isn't an option. That's a ton of work for all of us to do, and I think we can all agree that there's more important and awesome things the staff could be working on for you guys! :)
  10. You can get them from killing Eremes in lhz_dun03. :)
  11. Genesis is going to look into this for you. :) However, you may be better off using our custom legendary weapons for gypsy, they're the best non-donation weapons in game and have ~80% of the effect or more of our valkyrie weapons!
  12. I really like these two ideas, but we'd need to adapt the prizes/rewards for both the rebirths and the fame/karma systems. I don't think it would be fair for anyone to lose their items, and I don't think the stat bonus would work here necessarily, but I'd like it if people could suggest other ideas to give incentives for these two systems. :)
  13. Nice try Scarlet. ;)
  14. Welcome back! :)
  15. Welcome! If you have any questions, feel free to swing by the help desk in go 25 and I'll do my best to help you. :)
  16. Please make specific suggestions on how we could improve it. :)
  17. Welcome! Feel free to swing by the help desk in go 25 if you have any questions. Happy playing! :)
  18. Please file a ticket about it if you believe there is an issue with it, thanks! :)
  19. Unfortunately we can't change what class gets what mount - those are all sprites created by Gravity, changing that would be SUCH a pain and we don't have enough spriters for that currently.
  20. Presents... Introducing the Den of Demons raid dungeon! Sad you're missing out on all of the raid dungeon fun? Fret no more, my friends! Now anyone can partake in a super challenging and enjoyable raid dungeon! Introducing the Den of Demons, with new, never before seen Renewal mobs with custom AI's developed exclusively for ForsakenRO - you won't see it anywhere else! You'll want to bring a party to this raid... The current reward is 4 Halloween Tickets! New Valkyrie Headgears! Fluffy Hat [2] Effect: Str + 10 Luk + 10 ASPD + 10. [+Forsaken King's Armor,Forsaken king's Cloak, Forsaken King's Boots] Immunity to Freeze All stats + 10 Max Hp + 5%] Demon Mask [2] Effect: Str + 10 Luk + 10 ASPD + 10. [+Forsaken King's Armor,Forsaken king's Cloak, Forsaken King's Boots] Immunity to Freeze All stats + 10 Max Hp + 5%] Kitty Ears [2] Effect: Str + 10 Luk + 10 ASPD + 10. [+Forsaken King's Armor,Forsaken king's Cloak, Forsaken King's Boots] Immunity to Freeze All stats + 10 Max Hp + 5%] Peruvian Hat [2] Effect: Str + 10 Luk + 10 ASPD + 10. [+Forsaken King's Armor,Forsaken king's Cloak, Forsaken King's Boots] Immunity to Freeze All stats + 10 Max Hp + 5%] Shiba Inu Hat [2] Effect: Str + 10 Luk + 10 ASPD + 10. [+Forsaken King's Armor,Forsaken king's Cloak, Forsaken King's Boots] Immunity to Freeze All stats + 10 Max Hp + 5%] - The Halloween Quests will stay enabled for another 2 weeks! - Added scarf effect for improved scarves! - Returned Forsaken City to its regular map - Updated description of Santa poring hat. The damage reduction does NOT stack with Forsaken King or Frigg shield. - Crystal pumps stack in inventory now - Fixed an issue with storyline dropping wrong items. - Fixed integrated headgear quest - 3D Glasses now available from Event Rewards - Taekwons can now do the Forsaken Knight Quest and get their weapon - Legendary Avian Wings now show their slot - Added descriptions to Halloween headgears - Fixed vote forsaken king set looking for forsaken king set for freeze immunity - Updated vote forsaken king set description - Fixed description of mint emperium aurora Recolors and previews by Barbie exclusively for ForsakenRO Coding by Genesis and Wish Dungeon developed by Veracity
  21. SHHHHHHH IT'S A SURPRISE GUYS. Yes, like those though... perhaps. ;)
  22. You can also get them from Baby Skoll which spawns in for_fild01, for_fild02, for_fild03, and for_fild05 with 70 on each map. :)
  23. I'm glad to hear you were able to fix it! Please let us know if you need help with anything else. :)
  24. Hi Sam! Welcome to fRO. Don't worry, we have a lot of international players here so I'm sure you will fit right in. :) If you ever need help, please feel free to stop by the help desk in go 25! Looking forward to seeing you ingame!
  25. We've actually been talking about doing this for some time now, shhh though it's a surprise. ;)
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