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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Forum~

  1. Forum~

    Six-word Novel

    How much "story" can you tell in 6 words? A famous example by Hemingway, "For sale: Baby shoes, never worn." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_sale:_baby_shoes,_never_worn I'll start off: "Hi there", whispered the serial killer.
  2. Forum~

    One Word Story

    Twice this baller from Africa tripped on the cordless drill... and
  3. Simple enough. Since programmers start with 0... 0
  4. Forum~

    One Word Story

    Twice this baller from Africa tripped on the... cordless
  5. Rather than "spammability", I think this suggestion thread is primarily concerned with the loss of DPM due to the decrease in maximum after-cast delay allowed (which is apparently 80% as of now). There's really only two solutions to solving DPM: 1. Increase total damage per unit time (increase damage). 2. Increase the frequency of damage dealt (decrease after-cast delay). Since there's this limit to how much after-cast delay Genesis will allow due to the lag it causes, this rules out option 2. However, option 1 is still a viable choice. Why not increase the DPM by increasing overall GS damage instead of fighting over this after-cast delay that will never happen? As I see it, the former is a lot easier to argue for than what this thread is trying to do right now.
  6. Bump. Needs GM input.
  7. From where are you making up these rules? Yes, you can say what you want as long as it conforms to forum policy but do understand that proper English makes it easier for participants to get a hold of what you're trying to say. Incorrect "grammar" or "formatting", as you state, often leads to misunderstandings. Also, it's a lot easier to take you seriously if you're creating an intelligible argument as opposed to fallacious gibberish. I alway see the same rotation of people going in-and-out of Thanatos room. I'm still sticking with my "1 per IP per day" stance.
  8. Isn't this exactly what I said? I can't imagine the code for this would be difficult at all. In fact, drag-and-drop into and out of storage probably already has all the code you need to implement this command. I recommend cleaning your storage if storaging to get items is such a hassle. EDIT: I strongly disagree with this suggestion because of how exploitable it can be during WoE, in PvP room, and in for_fild01. A player would NEVER run out of consumables.
  9. Status effects are practically nonexistent on HR servers. Would be "unique" but I don't really care for it since Priest is meant to be support or Holy Light. I mean, why not accommodate a melee wizard build while you're at it then.
  10. This. Mfw salary was 7 berry tickets. I think OP is incorrectly associating being rich with being good. You don't need expensive equipment to be good. It helps but it's not necessary. There's plenty of moderately-geared players here that play better than rich n0bs. There's a solid set of intermediary equipment that can easily carry you to endgame equipment if you put in the effort. You're trying to get-rich-quick and it's not going to happen (unless you donate). I dislike your paradoxical moral high ground stance. Please stop incorrectly assuming this position in all your suggestion threads. Are you sure that was the case? What if they were just kicking bad players? You realize that a competitive guild is essentially a business venture for the guild leader right?
  11. Forum~


    Lol. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. -Albert Einstein
  12. Dr. Slump Jump
  13. Forum~

    One Word Story

    This game stood no chance. (Twice this baller from...) Africa
  14. Wow, I reached my max of $s already.
  15. How do you resolve if you have multiples of a non-stacking item? For example, if you have 5 Forsaken King Armors in storage, which one does it get? Does it get all of them? Assuming this problem has an answer, this command has to make sure that you don't get above your weight capacity and that you don't retrieve an item when your inventory is full (such that getting one more item would result in you dropping that item on the floor).
  16. Forum~

    Loka Cencert

    Warning: This post contains high levels of excitement. Read at your own risk.
  17. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  18. I'm playing the devil's advocate here and I do see your point. However, because this concerns making items that are donation-exclusive-tier to vote-tier, you ultimately need to convince the GM team that making expansion available in vote will increase donations for real expansion headgears. If there is any hint of this lowering donations for expansion headgears, this will never be accepted.
  19. Silly, we have legendary weapons. Disagree.
  20. I've played 3rd job and yes, they're broken. You'll never see them here.
  21. Mfw my brother and I bring a total of 12 clients into dice. There should be a cap of one kill per IP per day. That'll give a variety of people a shot at Thanatos every day.
  22. Raise by another Knight set.
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