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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Forum~

  1. Forum~

    This Or That?

    Don't read or watch so idc, Danaerys Targaryen because this name is more interesting than Tyrion Lannister. Tigers or Lions?
  2. False, more. TPBM lives in a place where summer reaches 100 F/38 C regularly.
  3. 13
  4. Forum~

    One Word Story

    "Twice this baller from Africa tripped on the cordless drill and broke his nail. (PERIOD) He cried for years. (PERIOD) Afterwards, baboons had evolved and ended laughing at tripping. (PERIOD) After getting high on insecticide and cannabis, Munchies Ninjas dancing sluttily..." awakened
  5. Farts Gas
  6. At my best, I can do about 1 Asura per second.
  7. Forum~


    d1s h3rt m1 m0r3 d3n 1t h3rt y0u -m00sh 2014
  8. So, if I'm reading this correctly: 1. Vote to get a one-time-use item (costs 6 votes, the amount you get daily) that's required to enter Thanatos room. 2. This will ensure that players are limited to using Thanatos room by once per IP per 12 hours. 3. The item disappears once you enter the room. 4. Some sort of RNG will then occur with the people waiting inside and one will pass, others are warped back to Fcity. 5. As a reliability measure, I suggest that the result of this RNG should be broadcasted globally. Something like "So-and-so has entered Thanatos room!" Sounds good to me if this is what you meant. This is shaping out really well. Pros: 1. People have to vote to try at Thanatos. More votes = good. 2. People are limited to 1 per IP per 12 hours. Less monopolizing. 3. Same number of people will be fighting Thanatos as now except with this change, a variety of people will have a shot at it instead of a small rotation of the same players. This means price of Thanatos should remain stable. Cons: 1. RNG sucks ass. 2. You can't monopolize Thanatos anymore. I don't think accommodations can be made for everyone. At least with this change, the majority will benefit. I'm sure most people are playing in places like their home or school (with stable connection). I'm sure within the database, a timestamp is kept of events that are created by your account. Can't imagine how one could bypass this.
  9. Yeah, he made me an event coordinator on the Influence guild website and gave me some bonuses here and there, aheuhaeuahue. And actually, winning those guild events after WoE really bolstered my salary. Good times.
  10. Troll success.
  11. Double post. I don't see why not... variety in this case doesn't hurt and collector's will donate for them. I don't have any idea what aura would be used though.
  12. Double post. I don't see why not... variety in this case doesn't hurt and collector's will donate for them. I don't have any idea what aura would be used though.
  13. Forum~


    1t l1k3 p00t1ng d0wn my fav0r1t3 d0g3 -m00sh 2014
  14. Forum~

    One Word Story

    "Twice this baller from Africa tripped on the cordless drill and broke his nail. (PERIOD) He cried for years. (PERIOD) Afterwards, baboons had evolved and ended laughing at..." tripping. (PERIOD)
  15. 4
  16. Instead of making a suggestion thread every single time there is a new color that we discover is missing from some item set, how about we do this? ^^^^^
  17. Forum~


    Enjoy your time here.
  18. I am so confused right now. What if I enter this room with 12 clients split between my brother and I? And what about if I get an additional 10 or so clients from my friends? Sounds like I'll be monopolizing Thanatos room for a very long time... You see where I'm going with this? Leaving it to RNG is stupid. 1 per IP per day. This will ensure to some degree that a single person will find it hard to monopolize Thanatos room. This won't decrease the flux into the server either. They'll just be more widely distributed among different people.
  19. Forum~

    One Word Story

    Twice this baller from Africa tripped on the cordless drill and broke his nail. (PERIOD) He cried for years. (PERIOD) Afterwards,
  20. Forum~

    One Word Story

    Twice this baller from Africa tripped on the cordless drill and broke his nail. (PERIOD) He cried... for
  21. Forum~

    One Word Story

    Twice this baller from Africa tripped on the cordless drill and broke his nail. (PERIOD) He
  22. *Disregards aforementioned arguments* "Just implement it now and we can deal with the consequences later." How is every class OHKO-ing every other class fun?
  23. Forum~

    One Word Story

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