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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Forum~

  1. Forum~

    This Or That?

    Starcraft. The national sport of my people. Cold water on a hot day or warm water on a cold day?
  2. Dictionary Syntax
  3. Yes, but I don't play with it anymore. TPBM owns a MtG deck (if so, what format and what type of deck?).
  4. What about certain guilds having a monopoly on WoE? Will that be regulated as well? EDIT: Waw, Alec is too fast.
  5. Too hot not to clean yourself daily or else feel gr0ss. TPBM has eaten food from two or more different cultures today.
  6. ————————————————————————————————————————————
  7. Forum~


    i n0t 3v3n m3d -m00sh 2014
  8. Lol so that's why Landon changed back to a dude...
  9. Forum~

    Corrupted Wish

    And then you were stuck in your own time dimension alone without any means to leave it. I wish everyone was richer than I was.
  10. Wavefunction. Probability distribution.
  11. Ate nothing today except yogurt. TPBM didn't brush their teeth in the morning.
  12. ———————————————————————————————————
  13. Forum~

    This Or That?

    Winter. I hate the sun. If you can only save one of your parents from imminent death: mother or father (if single parent, don't answer this question)?
  14. 13*3
  15. Forum~

    Old Guild.

    Me too, but good things come and go.
  16. Weapon: shaver Food: yogurt Not bad.
  17. I'm (and others probably) bumping it so that it remains near the top of the board.
  18. g00d luck 2 applicants.
  19. .................wow..................... ......................................... ......................................... .........much welcome.................... ...............................10/10..... ......................................... ......................................... .......so bacon.......................... ......................................... .............................dun touch me
  20. In binary: 100001
  21. The United States is the greatest country in the world. Fact. http://www.buzzfeed.com/erinchack/america-fuck-yeah
  22. What do January, March, May, July, August, October, and December have in common?
  23. Everyone already knows about this. That's why you don't really see Professor Blessed Ring.
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