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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Forum~

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_eQUBDnvFI
  2. False, I feel neutral I guess. TPBM lives with their parents.
  3. Forum~


    u w0rk1n f0r 3nd3 t0day? -m00sh 2014
  4. nuyjb hrf - Mint
  5. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6. Negligible difference between all auras that have +20 stats or more. Emperium Aura is always a solid one-size-fits-all aura. Or you know, just own every aura so you can switch when you need to. Once you reach the state of having near endgame gear, improving your skill is far more important than min-maxing your equipment.
  7. I still don't agree. The vote equipment SHOULD limit your aesthetic options. Players don't need a personal "taste" via vote expansion to desire the ones available from donation. Seeing those hats equipped on other players is enough to convince players if they truly wanted expansion headgears. Your argument is coming from you believing that a vote expansion headgear will some how entice players to eventually get the real expansion headgears. I don't see the connection between the two which is why I'm disagreeing.
  8. I'm the best at everything I play. Hands down. Why? Because I said so.
  9. aZswrtropgfopcc = Aerofox
  10. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  11. There are many items where chromatic symmetry has yet to be achieved. Maybe we can just compile a list here of all the different items that are lacking a certain color variation.
  12. Aren't we trying to make it easier for new players to access MVP rooms? How does adding a token fee accomplish this? We'll never have a token to zeny or vice versa converter. That'll set a fixed standard on value, something that should be determined by the free market.
  13. Disagree. You already know the exact reasons why this suggestion treads on thin air. Ignoring a certain viewpoint doesn't make it go away. What you hope that people (more importantly, the GM team) doesn't argue as stated in your original post is exactly the strongest argument against this. Vote gears are supposed to be intermediary between getting actual end-game equipment. Expansion included in the vote shop does not follow in line with what I believe is the intended purpose of vote equipment. Your listed "Pros" don't outweigh why FRO shouldn't capitalize on expansion headgears. Implying no use = useless. Many players enjoy headgears for collection's sake.
  14. Forum~


    u dun wan d1s n01s3. -m00sh 2014
  15. B.E.C. = Big-ass Elbow Club bhhbyn bmksx = junie2
  16. yhujhnfdioudserftfgvdervctr5gtuhytr5 - ThePerfectHit
  17. There's plenty to choose from for WoE so pick your poison. Avalanche is dominating GvG and BR.
  18. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  19. I'm glad you understand our view point OP.
  20. If it costs the same as Kafra Headband, in this case, more selection never hurts.
  21. Not really. I don't even know who you are. I'm just pointing out that what you're doing is exactly what this thread is talking about.
  22. Lol. Such maturity. What are you? 12?
  23. Disagree. Comparison with similar 1% proccing skills tells me that this is a bad idea.
  24. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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