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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by llarenasonny

  1. Its no. Big NO Big NO
  2. How to have box of storms?
  3. I am I am
  4. Waiting for that sir. There's a lot of head gears that I want for fashion but it cost many event tokens.
  5. Buying lots of event token. Pm me in game. I need many many
  6. Hmm. If we suggest to add events per day for us to have more production of events token.. You need guys to host more events
  7. Sell all your event token to me.. I need many..

  8. Is there a way to have a Npc like this. Event token in fro has only small numbers. I am dying in trading forsaken tokens to event tokens. I am badly need this tokens.. Thanks
  9. Did you able to download the whole installer?
  10. w0w, we are so exited for that. release it sooner please ^_^
  11. you can pm me also in game. i am hiring farmer for some of my quest.. pm me in game \ IGN: I am strong
  12. yeah its more profitable when you donate for a cape and convert it to tokens in game
  13. Pm me in game.
  14. How's your fro life dude?
  15. Friendly? >.<
  16. Are you still active in game?
  17. Welcome bro. I'm from Philippines too.
  18. Your not in the game anymore? What is your ign btw?
  19. Welcome. You can pm me in game if you need some help. My name is: I am strong
  20. Looks like it's your a month here now. Are you doin good?
  21. I vote for james le slinger, he's a genius.. Lol
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