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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by elykarmic

  1. S>SinxBless Set=SinxCursed Set(O.hels dagger)+200 Leave Name Here Up
  2. Set Sold. S>+10 Limited Black Sakkat = 4k Up Up Up
  3. Admiral General Aladeen Mofakaz!(from the movie) huehuehue Dota 2 Love or Hate?
  4. Accepting Trade for SinxCursed Set to SinxBless set + 300
  5. S>My set = 5.9k LeaveName here. Or Pm me in game Faust' S>+10 Limited Black Sakkat 4k Thanks
  6. Ploky so pro :D Teach me how to break plox. :D Hmmm. for crit cards i would like to suggest 2tg 2paper for the main hand and 1tg 1abyssmal knight 1orcskel and 1 desert wolf hmm. its just my suggestion :D
  7. lezz raid. its currently 11:22am saturday here on ph :D
  8. Twilight Saga. Huehuehue. Maah friend loves it. This aladeen or That aladeen. huehue
  9. n aaaarrujtgloyh
  10. 3 seed tix for the raid is enough. :D or 300pcs seeds.
  11. ayt. saturday then and what time btw? i live here in ph so my timezone is gmt+8 :)) i can raid for seeds only :) <3
  12. missed the green fcity :D

    1. plok123


      me too man! all the white's too boring xD

    2. gagosila123


      namiss naman kita ely baket pa ang fcity? haha

  13. Clown You Say? hmmm. lemme see if i can go online this saturday miss :>
  14. This is me when i first played FRO. I remember Poncho Pilato of dreads was my first friend of this server and helped me out :) I saved some screenshots when i was a noobie farmer :) Farming for stinky scale. One of friggs shield requirement :) Now this is the reward for my hard work :) This is my recent equips, I got scammed last Christmas though :)
  15. forum~ lucky i have a pointy elbow :) amicab le
  16. i really love sleeping TPBM is knocking on heavens door :)
  17. cant play well because of this high ping >.<

  18. granted but your dinosaur ate you. i wish i could rewind the time. or get back to the past.
  19. is there no update on strike the blood? ._.
  20. Im comming home soon back to cebu :D

  21. Hahaha.
  22. happy newyear to all. :)

  23. stop being a drunk. hahaha.
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