How did your promos go guys? hahah I went 4-6, bronze 2.. haha i was like wtf, I was silver 2 last season XD
I dont play much now coz of fro, but I try to climb up sometimes, I must say It's pretty tough xD
Lost a bunch of games coz I raged instead of trying to carry the game xD Then demoted to bronze 3 :P
I can play any role now since i started in season 4 :D Bronze bootcamp is awesome xD
My fave top laners are: Ryze,Gnar,Jax
Fave Junglers: Lee Sin, Rek Sai, Khazix, J4, Hecarim
Fave Mid Laners: Yas, Zed, Ori, Twisted Fate
Fave ADC: Tristana, Corki
Fave Support: NAMI!!