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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by plok123

  1. did you go anywhere before this? :P
  2. Yes please, group pages on Facebook sucks haha +1 Hopefully it's just restricted to the members, and there should be requirements for guilds to qualify e.g. How many active members daily, purpose of guild, etc etc. Maybe a change password feature,thread admins? :) or just make an fb page haha
  3. I would also want to suggest slotted ice pick with thana, plus 104 crit. Works wonders :3
  4. Was in thana room, then got disconnected XD talk about a bad day haha xD

  5. I still really want this to be implemented :) it was gonna get implemented, but i dont know what happened :) If you look at the big servers, they have it.. So i dont really know what's wrong with it :) well, some people are just some people :D
  6. How was the old one better? :P Old was was full of kill stealing, this one is so much better.. just coz you cant get it doesnt mean it's being exploited. and just coz the same person gets in always means the same thing. If it was me who was hunting thana, of course i would time it, if you have the timer then easy to get in. previous method was the thanatos tower was so open, ANYONE could hit it even if you didnt put the fragments in. Or you can get someone to help you put the fragments. Or if some less geared person was their, who put in all the fragments, he/she would be camped by the geared ones and get outdamaged, therefore the effort was useless. so please enlighten me on how the old method was better? And explain how you could do better than the thanatos room now? If it was me, i would make it that players have/Accounts limited numbers of attempts in 24 hrs. not IP, why not ip? because of internet cafes, or household with 2 or more players. If it was accounts, then Hundreds of accounts would be made just to get in. So when you suggest a change to the thana room, dont just think about you not being able to get inside.
  7. Get ready for 2015 boyz ;)

    1. Ochibi


      dang its 2015 i can't believe it haha ! So fast ~_~

  8. I still blame the economy people ;) wasnt just talking about emps, i know that of course the emps that were unavailable would be a lot expensive, but the ones that were still available, with the same drop rate, was going high fast, and all the other items, mvp cards, friggs, and whatever. It's just the general douchebags of the economy who makes the inflation stupid, it's like a corrupted country where the rich gets richer and the poor just remains poor :3
  9. It's the community and the economy that's the problem. Prices weren't even bad 1 year ago. It's the people that are active in the market, i mean cmon, Fsold is around 2k now.. wtf
  10. yeah, there's a photo whatever thread somewhere here :)
  11. i dont even know if it works or not :P
  12. we better be in one guild if you come active -_-
  13. Ping isnt that bad, it's like 90-150 :P But the quaiity of games are just so annoying XD
  14. I've Stomped so many plat and gold ADCs in EUW -_- i dont even understand how :P
  15. I will show no mercy to Mother If we end up in different guilds :3
  16. Yeah, I've been very active like before recently :D Yeah, i wanna level up my NA account so I could play with people i know who live there XD but it's just effort XD
  17. I'm from the UK :D Well this is like one of the pioneers of mmo's xD so it's way different from the new ones that are out now :P but it's still fun well for us that knows how to play it :P but just like every game, The fun starts when you hit the cap :P Hmm there are different kind of guides here in the forums, what i did when i started was while i was downloading, i read through a lot in the forums, the beginners guide and what not, there are also a lot of stat builds etc that are viable in game. You just need to look for them :D And it doesnt take a day to be all powerful :P it also takes time :D so have fun and welcome to the server!
  18. I dunno but they stay and watch though :P They were just shock why emps take so long to break :P But that pvp tournament is pretty interesting :D
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