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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by plok123

  1. King Cat
  2. I have two screens, but meh. It's mostly for when im streaming games and stuff :P
  3. Well, just remember that when it's time to study, do it.. when it's time to play, then play to the fullest.. there's time for everything. dont play when it's time to study. Sort out your priorities and you;ll be fine :) it's not really impossible :D
  4. plok123


    I watch one piece, fairy tail, naruto (ending soon </3).. currently I saw log horizon (pretty bad ass), SAO (love story ruins it :P), Accel World (sick) Watching fairy tail atm from the start, getting my lil sister into anime, coz the cartoons of her generation are so stupid. Would really love to know which animes are a must watch from the community :D
  5. Hey guys :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. plok123


      I'm trying to be active again gm :D don't worry, you'll be seeing me around from time to time :P

    3. Monaco96
    4. plok123


      OH SHIIITT, it's monacooo

  6. Hai Der :3 Hai Again :3
  7. I'm not suggesting that we would return it to how it was back then. The thing now is that the change that was made was good like in the early days, because of the number of guilds and players participating in woe, that's why it was suggested that the emp's hp be raised. Now, there is a huge drop IMO of players playing now compared to back then, It's just the guild with most members online take the advantage of the large hp pool of the emp nowadays and not everyone. We need to at least adapt to the server's population to keep it fun. this way it would help the server attract new players and would encourage them to stay :)
  8. 1. It really depends on how strong the defending guild is, but it usually take around less than one minute, just a rough estimate. Compared to 30 second breaks back then where it really takes a toll on defenders ;) 2. they can hold it as long as they want, unless breakers keep going back and deal damage to the emperium for the whole hour. but no one really does that if they just end up dying always, no one has the patience. 3. Desserted castle? again, rough estimate, a minute or less, or more, everything is just around a minute.. haha I could be wrong, but hey, i did say 'rough estimate' ;)
  9. Well first of all, I haven't been really active recently as I was before due to one reason, WOE is just so boring now :P What if we lower the Emperium's HP? not back to when before they made the increase, but lower it to where it can feel competitive again. Well this is just me feeling bored of woe :) Solo breakers don't have that much impact as they did back then. Coz what happens is that, they just break randomly til the 40 minute mark, then castle is just deserted, and then action comes back around the last 7 minutes. Ok, before you react and whatever, this is just a what if. If you're guild is doing fine at the moment, of course you would bash this post, but reply to this as a player, and not as a member of your guild. Be open minded, not selfish :) well that's it really :P I leave the rest to you :D
  10. Any Filipinos? you kidding? no filipino plays in this server.. LOL walang pinoy dito haha
  11. ^ what if you're weak yourself? then you;re making everyone as weak as you? ;)
  12. How's the FRO life? :D

    1. Ochibi


      Farmin' ahehaha .

    2. Mitomi


      Boring...i think everyone dead :0 why teh hell everyone miaaaaa >:0

  13. I'm doing pretty fine ma :) Well, nothing really, just been playing a lot of league xD and Child of Light :P i Recently just discovered it, and I love it :P 'Bout you ma?
  14. Wtf, I didn't know about this </3 so much deaths.. My grandma passed away due to cancer last week.. Ygg leaf no work :'(
  15. -1.. I would agree it would make the class used more if this was implemented, but it wouldn't be balanced anymore, this would be like how the number of gs were before they got nerved, there would just be a lot of stalkers coz they got buffed.. And also, it wouldn't be balanced. Stalkers are already pretty annoying to go 1v1 against with..
  16. Anyone watching the NALCS playoffs? :D

  17. lol, Laura is just being a lazy bum xD
  18. +1.. dont really need to explain why I agree, it already says it all on the suggestion
  19. Google is non existent in the world of shiritori, this game is too easy in english ;3 Yielding
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