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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by nellysky

  1. nellysky

    The Story Game

    but the icecream melted and thousands of ants/andre aproaching searching for food
  2. ow thnx.. would be good also if u use dark lord and dark ilusion combo? and for pally i guest its better to have maya than gtb since pally can easy tank bolts and other magics. it can make magic users die instantly on reflect bcoz of thier huge magic damage while thier hp is not that much to tank ther own damage..
  3. but the originals kafra's has left the city
  4. what is GEC?
  5. because ur the who not always showing up.. and the char who s not easy to find. :)
  6. yeah although your in trancend jobs u will be look like a 3rd job class.. just only a sprite
  7. men that dude is a genius.. but unfortunately he didnt use his talent in a good way
  8. yeah kinda cool to me too
  9. is reflect shield reflect mamonite damage?
  10. a matyr build or rapid smith pally with Fcp. with a maya on shield. gr+tao on armor.. is absolutely anti bio..
  11. ow.. i see.. thats makes me wonder.. maybe thers a folder on fro folder on program and files for the 3rd job sprites and u just have to delete it to remove the sprites if u want a normal sprites..
  12. is ther such asthing as greffin mount on this server?
  13. nellysky

    The Story Game

    satan morroc has arrive to join the battle. with other mvp on his back.
  14. maybe this is the way of GM to make MVPing to be fare with evry1 to the newbies and those who are not.. since the hocus focus is not available on summoning mvp anymore maybe its not only implemented only on tur_dun. i guest it is also done on other mvp spawn maps
  15. hold it! i thought it was only 3000 why is it. it is 3019 already/?
  16. nellysky

    The Story Game

    and the two turn into a zombie.
  17. maybe its because some of towns dont have healer npc yet.. hope all towns should have 1
  18. maybe ull the one who killed the dragon.. but maybe ur not an mvp. coz ther is som1 attacked the lost ragon 1st
  19. i think it'l be more fun. if skill are allowed on race... like chocobo racing and racers are alowed to attacked and kill each other. who ever dies will be resurrected but cant be move on 1 to 2 sec after resurrection..
  20. nellysky

    The Story Game

    she vomit, get poisond. and
  21. nellysky


    u must have a proof that ur not a bot to be justify..
  22. yeah ur char will jail only once on a year.. coz if u havent enter the correct codes in 3 times ur char will be jailed on exact 1 year..
  23. i was the 1st character who has been jailed.. but im not using thing as bot.. i just ignore the pup up.. and enter a wrong code.. the sentence is 1 yr on jail.. so u must be carefull guys... so i file immedietly a ticket to prove that i am not a bot. .. and post this topic to be a warning...
  24. the number will apear on pop up menu, thers a 3 color red number on the msg.. just type it corectly and enter it on the menu..
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