During farming a bot pop up msg will apear on ur screen due to amount of kills of mobs..
it makes u enter a 3 number combination on it..
note.. carefull and make sure of the number or a code that u gonna enter coz if u do a mistake for three times ur character will be jailed sentence for 1 yr...
this is just to aware evry1.. specialy to those who doesnt read the update yet..
my char is dead then i return to the last save point.. wen i get back i was on jailed.. i realy dont hav an idea about the pop up so iv press enter several times. and return to my last save point. and wen i get back to the mvp i was jail already..
i was on izludedun.
i was fighting mvp der then suddenly a bot check option apear on my screen. then i died after ward when i return i was on jail.. but i am not a bot how can this happen
i just ignore the bot check option on my screen.. wen my char died wen i get back to the dungeon my char was jailed.. men thats not right