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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by nellysky

  1. ther is.. click this.. http://forsaken-ro.net/tokenshop/index.php?route=product/product&path=96_101&product_id=232
  2. hes a macdo model as wel.. hehehe
  3. Emp for effect RoP for looks :)
  4. hahhhaha i didnt realize it before the one who piss off and force giap to suggest this 1 is you Nayhara/remember me.. coz i dont look closely at ur profile pic before thats y. but wen i did lately it makes me realize that ur the root of all of this. lol.. can i see that pic on large size? lol
  5. i realy like ur profile pic.. lol.. can u post some here o ur profile? hehehhe

  6. evry1 got +1 on this topic before. but now some are disagree with this.. because of the rison that lessen the power of ther thana.. hehhehe since thana card is kinda expensive or shall i say thana is the most expensive card here.. the implementation of this suggestion will definitly drop the price of thana as well.
  7. men feels like a crisis.. hhehehe
  8. Wel IDK whos the guy besides u. but i know that guy at the back of two of you, the one who's holding french fries and a coke float. its xian lim phillipine tv actor.. hehhehe
  9. all i can say is ur great :)
  10. me im always at go 11.. if i am afk..
  11. lol .i already did since april. but not much good looking as u guys.. :) and heres some :) and lock.. iv took that pic on Samal island. i know ur familiar with that place this topic making me realiz that im having a crush on some FRO citizen.. hehhehe just kidding
  12. most newbies cant afford scolls. since most doesnt know how to earn tokens fast. some prefer to save for more importnt cards such as tg,kiel,fbh,tgk.. before buying some such as skolls and other not too much neccessary cards.. the point of this suggestion is.. some regreted of putting +10 on this set since it cant be removed anymore.. having +0 equips is usefull to some. for most of char having inca that ignores def and some are having thana.. and why u should have to +10 ur equipment since most of char are having inca, the +10 will be useless. and besides if you dont have skolls thana hurts u more becoz of ur +10.. yes +10 has an advantage as wel.. but yet it has also a disadvantage.. this suggestion is for pipol who regret of having +10 on ther equipz.. like i do... so we will be able to remove the upgrade on our choice..
  13. nellysky

    The Story Game

    but Fcity is not PVP area and a skill off area.. no way of attacking and killing pipol.. :)
  14. just keep on nearing to the thief "when he says sneakers" and keep on warping on 3 location when the thief's hide.. until the thief say something. i thnk hel just say stop fallowing me
  15. anyway nice profile pic milky :)
  16. nellysky

    The Story Game

    . _+_ / RIP/ and buried. only left is memories of headspin
  17. so dont make ninja's weaker... lol
  18. yeah not only ws is overpowered ninja.. so why is it needed to nerf since lots of char can already beat this char..
  19. for me the best guild is the most fun guild.. having FUN indeed is better than winning...
  20. even using usakoring ninja was made to be soft. cart termination still can easily killed ninja.
  21. +1 to this.. as long it'll lessen the problem of the stuffs i carried.. magic base wep should be also has an addtional to vit, int and magic attack as wel.
  22. beside.. WS whitesmith is already overpowered ninjas. if other char do an easy damage this char will be totally useless.. balance is not only about on 1 on 1 pvp.. but most on group on how they synchronizing each other... if your char class definitely cant defeat other 1. its natural coz some other char manage. and why only talking about only ninjas. thers a lot of char here that over powered some. like i said on my previos comments... yeah ninja is slipery.. u guys guys only pissed of missing them. but ragnarok made that char what it should be. yet in behalf of thers skills they are not invincible they still can be killed. if those suggestion of yours got implemented. nerfing ninjas skills such as css and and flip.. what would be the use of this char? ninja will be only killed easy by any other. but cant kill any coz they will be killed 1st.. having a ninja char will be going to be a waste.. and again ninja are not OP.. they are just annoying..
  23. again.. those classes can easily killed ninjas by pushing them to the corner if only they were not be able to warp.. yes flip and css makes ninja so slippery. it does not makes ninjas invincible. coz like anybody else says. thers a lot of ways of killing ninjas,, yet if the sniper got pneuma. throw kunai ninja's cant also hit them. the the sniper got the advantage of it actualy. other than snipres got higher range. they will just stand on pneuma while normaling atttack ninja's while ninjas have to spam flip and throw and the same time to damage sniper.. and ninja's should disable css in order to get near to sniper,, and about sinx why only ninja.how about bio using sight. acid bomb easily kills sinx as wel. specialy SB sinx.. as i tell u guys.. the hardest opponent of ninjas in this server are.. WS, LK, bio, GS, snipers, clown gypsy, and maybe stalker.. ninjas doesnt need to be nerf.. yet it has to improve to make them anything usefull. and 1 more. baby supernovies is also 1 of the hardest to be ninjas opponent as wel
  24. and how about instead of nerfing ninjas. just nerf the effect of gtb instead of negate magic attact just reduce magic damage to 75% since his concern is only to damage ninja while using gtb..
  25. +1 to upgrade remover.. +burger when this topic is implemented for having the very 1st post of +1.. hehhehe
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