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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by nellysky

  1. wel im not just intended to make GM boost ninja current capability. what am i proposing is atleast i can conserve weight so i can put my other str point on the something more important. wel im only want is for magic types ninja since kunai type doesnt need of it since it is a str base char...
  2. lol seems dis ur 1st post :)
  3. nellysky

    The Story Game

    that makes usuis wep broke for nothing and....
  4. ur oviosly a playboy dude... hahaha nice meeting u too dude. where at mintal..
  5. wel im not proposing that this magic class will not easily killed by maya ofcorz all magic users has trouble with this. but i hope atleast i could not die that fast and i still had a chance to stop spam and heal imedietly wen magic reflects. yeah magic + FS thats one of hybrid ninjas i know. u must have to put more stats both int and vit.. but u still have put enaf str for carries. for FS consumes a lot of berries of draining all of ur HP and shadow stones and magics consumes a lot of stones. and iv done this before since i was experimenting this char. i did the absolute FS stat build. having 2 tg + 1 inca. on wep..since it was neutral. i did 90 to 100k damage on non GR user.using legendary sets. but on GR user i can only do damage 20 to 30k or lower. on thana IDK coz i never had one. then FS is range attack miss at pneuma.
  6. nellysky

    The Story Game

    coz victoria do it on purpose. huehuehue suddenly..
  7. bai taga davao ka right? kami pod ni james taga davao pod meng 2. pero d me pure bisaya kay ilonggo me. translated: Bro u liv in davao right? as wel as me and jameswe both live in davao.. but were not pure bisaya coz were ilonggos..] note: Giatay na forum kinanlan pa ug interpreter. (no need translation) Boy: feels like ill be send to the mental hospital Girl: are you crazy? Boy: yeah crazy for you.. :)
  8. yes it is obtainable. i can even use knightset just for shifting.. but the what is not that easy to obtained is the card to be to slot for those equipz.. :) wel i do shift cloaks and shields. i only need an armor with two tao incase of maya. and also with angeling tao as my frends also advices me.
  9. i will not continue spaming magic if i am aware of it. ofcorz i will killed my self for an instant. what i am saying is i died by surprice of maya thats why..specialy when lag occurs. and for Fs. i saw them has a good FS damage but ofcorz of using thana.. i saw ulap do FS to the one uses skolls and his damage was low. and u know how expensive was thana was. it is hard to have it. yeah having damage of 1k+ for kunai x3 its gonna be 3 to 4k+ per spam.. but that aint gonna help prehapz u gonna tired ur fingers for along time but nothing will happen...
  10. i did switching some equips.. :b but im not often in the game to gain more cool and expensive stuffs like u guys has :)
  11. kinda wierd hah.. iv post on general discusion before. when i was new to this server, youl know why.. http://www.forsaken-...showtopic=23869 even this not so effective to anybodies thoughts the rison i did not change a class it is simply i like this. yeah mybe do need a two tao armor for shifting.. but i dont play too often to gain tokens to buy them immedietly. i dont even donate yet.. just working on it. tnx for advice.. im a knda sentimental kind of dude...lol yet since iv realiz it to my self that this kind of class is lacking of something and mybe the rison why no 1 using this. is the one that iv suggested..
  12. o cmmon men Giap is a WS while i am a ninja. not to mention INT type ninja.. besides see my equips againts giap. legendary and vote vs orientals. do u think i stand a chance.. is Giap having a default maya shild? how do i know when he gonna shift? and as i said 1 or a single reflect of my skill kills me no chance for pots. cant tank tank reflect of having a lower hp.. what anyway what are u suggsting im shift to kunai skill? u know my kunai's damage is low u think it would give me a chance? or not attacking any1 of using maya. i dont even care of being pawned specialy of maya users. im playing a game for fun then.. infact it is ovios most magic users being pawned by maya by surpriced coz i even do that too when im dealing with mage class. before u are saying i dont know how to play my class? why u? u know how to play it? why is it im the only 1 who play this kind? and again it makes me realiz that this type of class makes me realiz that it was lacking of something that makes me suggesting this 1. u know during play we spam a hundred times less than a min depends on situation. refilling of this stones not only pots bothers me a lot. not only me im sure who ever gonna try this 1.. refilling of pots bothers u ofcorz how much more with stones with 4 different elements.. its a high vit ninja men.. particularly use by FS types.. but FS types are not that good in this server. lol
  13. Hope this will be implemented as the other discusion says. if not. atleast magic stones will reduce weigth to 0
  14. i killed those when they had mistaken me as a kunai type.. :D
  15. Hold it Guys this topic is not just all about boosting ninjas HP.. what i mean to this its hard to balance STR and INT since my ninja was a battle int ninja and not meant to be a farmer. my concern here is too lessen weight on ninjas carries so i can put some of my str points to vit... since str for int not that usefull but only for carries. as much as posible i can only out STR for my pots..
  16. ISTORYAHiiii !!!! Boy.. Damn i wanna stole something... Girl.. What? Boy.. your heart <3
  17. me too.. hehehhe
  18. like it said FS is always nuetral and damage is base on ur hp and str.. other char has a larger HP than ninjas do. if ur a magic type u cant have that much of hp u want. even without shield some equips has a good reduc and + a GR on the armor. ur best damage for ur oppent would be 30k only. while uv already drains all of ur hp in 1 strike..
  19. dude i make my self realiz that is nice to use this char.. yet it made me ask why pipol not uses this char? that made me think it is lacking of something that made me suggest into this.. and why u always comparing ninjas to soul linkers only not on other char? actualy it made me also ask why ther is no so much effective SL here in this server.. is it this char are not seems usefull? wel thats the question was on my mind regarding with int type ninjas... since i was the only 1 on this as i have known.. and guys how can u say that all char are balance when some are not quite usefull yet it is very hard to build.. yeah i want the stat and build to this char to be change like what i have suggested.. but i am not aiming to make this char OP or to make it even more harmfull. what i want is to make this char more easier to build like others char are? and men.how can u say it is basic RO knowledge when not all dont have a knowledge about the stat food are u talking about..
  20. I dont say that FS needs a thana.. all char wants thana but not all needs it at all times... i say even uses thana.. means if ever thana was use.. get it? besides thana wasnt use as default on wep anyway no matter what class are u using. it is just for shifting... and ofcours thana has nothing to do with magic it is a popular card why should i not know it.. and dude im talking FS skill here.. even i dont search its ovios that ninja has many skill to be use on combo.. and before u object. better understand 1st what i am saying. i say if "NINJA EFFECTIVENESS WILL BE TAKE AWAY FROM THIS CHAR!!" that will make this char useless.. get it?
  21. even of having two tao. FS is very risky. yet no full FS type char can kill a geared char on 2 to 1 hit. in any class.even of using thana. yes fs base on hp and str. but u cant just boost ur vit and str for u still need dex and agi.. besides FS is a range attack can be easily countered by pneuma.autogaurd, kyre.. as i said this skil is too risky since it drains full HP. imagine of using fs on despi gunslinger that would be suicide. this is the most hardest type of ninja to made. i'll say FS type was needed WPE to win. you guys saying what uv seen wrong on ninjas effectiveness. but cant u see that, that is the only effectiveness of this char.. if it'll take it away from this char this char will gonna be useless..
  22. You your friends your friends friend other dudes ME
  23. just being one of the most famous new FRO family.. welcome to the server.. enjoy your stay. MABUHAY!
  24. iv missed all number in lottery for a 200 million price.. :(
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