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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Bishop

  1. Ah I believe you can walk to this castle by walking straight up after warping to @go 25. I'm at work atm so I can't check it myself but you should be able to :)
  2. I edited cause the second time I mentioned the coordinates I made a typo :). These are the steps to follow : 1: Talk to him at for_fild04 176 126 2: Talk to him at cmd_fild08 128 195 3: Warp to for_king 99 158 and protect the king
  3. Any update on this? If not I'll consider it solved and I'll be closing this tomorrow.
  4. Try warping to cmd_fild08 128 195 and talk with him there. NPC's in this game are not as advanced as the npc's from the newer games. The NPCs on here don't actually walk so you can't literally follow the NPC. Though the npc should show up for you at cmd_fild08 128 195 as soon as you're supposed to chase him.
  5. The old voting system was too easy to abuse/exploit. I'm pretty certain that we will not be reverting back to the old system. There's an vote per IP limit because only 1 vote from each IP will count for the voting sites. One of my superiors will have to decide whether anything can be done about it but I'm afraid it'll stay the way it is to prevent abuse etc.
  6. You can simply warp there with @warp for_fild02
  7. The official name of the status is Hallucination.
  8. Disagree, for the same reason that they are untradeable. People can dual client of numerous clients at the same time, get activity coupons on each account -> trade them in for zeny - > transfer zeny to one main account. It's way too easy to abuse something like this so I'll have to disagree with it.
  9. Did you run the patcher after downloading the All in One?
  10. Zero has given you the correct answers to your questions, so I'll be closing this topic now :) If you have any other questions feel free to PM me or start a new ticket.
  11. Forum account and in-game account are seperate. You can create your in-game account here: http://forsaken-ro.net/cp/ Regards, Bishop
  12. Resetting your position is only a temporarily fix. Please do answer the question Veracity stated.
  13. It's working perfectly fine for me. Which basically means that it's on your side. You're most likely blocking it but changing your browser normally would fix that. Have you tried registering on a different computer and see if that works?
  14. Go into your Ragnarok folder and open a file called setup.exe. At the top bar select your graphics card. Then try again.
  15. Have you tried using a different browser?
  16. You are entitled to reading and understanding the rules before joining the game. You tried buying in-game items for real money which is obviously against the rules because it severely hurts the server financially. I'm sorry but attempting this results into a permanent ban. Please don't make any more topics regarding your issue. Regards, Bishop
  17. Install our full installer and your error will be gone. Also this belongs in support not in general discussion. Closing this.
  18. Alright. glad it's solved.. Closing this.
  19. Make a ticket regarding this issue. We'll talk about it there. Make sure you follow the ticket guidelines when making it.
  20. Bishop


    Welcome to the server. I hope you'll enjoy your stay. If you have any questions feel free to ask :) Regards, Bishop PS. I love your signature art ^^
  21. Bishop

    Manual Patch Guide

    ^ The above would be solved with the full installer. Also as asked before, Ryuk would like to keep this topic clean. So if you have any issues post them in support. Not in here. @bluesoda: You have to set up your graphics by opening your setup.exe(inside your RO folder). Then at the top bar select your graphics card.
  22. This should be solved now :)
  23. Please make a ticket regarding this and follow the ticket guidelines.
  24. Did you install the game through our full installer ?
  25. This control pannel: http://forsaken-ro.net/cp/
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