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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Bishop

  1. Aside from that, this does not belong at the support section. Closing this.
  2. Closing this topic. We'll solve this through the ticket/personal messaging. Please update the ticket :)
  3. Actually, Genesis would like you to contact him directly through msn/skype/any other contact. AIM rosefox305 MSN [email protected] Website URL http://forsaken-ro.net Yahoo jorgeluisf350 Skype jorgeluisf350 He's currently online on skype :) PS. please let me know which contact you're adding so I can update Genesis about it.
  4. I'm home now. Gonna see if we can work something out :) Could you make a ticket regarding this issue ?
  5. Been ages since the last post. Considering it as solved.
  6. Solved.
  7. No response for +/- 3 weeks. Assuming it's solved. Closing.
  8. No response for +/- 2 weeks. Assuming it's solved. Closing this.
  9. This doesn't really belong in the support section. Will be moving this. On a side note.. What kind of Assassin would you like to play ? Dagger/Crit/Sonic blow ?
  10. This does not really belong in the support section. I'll be moving this. On another note, what kind of sinx would you like to play ? Dagger build/crit/sonicblow ?
  11. This support topic went rather off topic. To answer your question : No sinx can not non-stop sonic blow spam legitly. If you think anyone is cheating with his/her spam please try to record it and report it to us in a ticket. Considering this answer to be sufficient. Closing this.
  12. No response for almost 2 weeks. Assuming the question is answered. Closing this.
  13. No response in almost 2 weeks. Assuming it's solved.
  14. No response for well over 1 week. Assuming it's solved. Closing.
  15. I will see if I can test this when I get home. You might have to contact Genesis regarding this as you might have talked the the npc at cmd_fild08 before but did not protect the king. Something might've gone wrong and your quest might have to get a reset. Genesis should be able to work things out with you, but firstly I'll try testing this when I get home. I'll get back to you afterwards. PS. What happens when you talk to the king? He asks you to help the citizen?
  16. Veracity has answered the question. Just use @go 25 and walk straight up to find the castle that you're looking for :). Closing this.
  17. Any update on this?
  18. No response in +/- 2 weeks. Assuming it's solved. Closing.
  19. No response within 2 weeks. Assuming it's solved. Closing.
  20. No response within 2 weeks. Assuming it's solved. Closing this topic.
  21. Assuming it's solved. Closing
  22. Talk to the npc located at @warp fcity 179 178 Then to the npc at for_fild05 291 319 Then to the npc at for_fild04 176 126 Then to the npc at cmd_fild08 128 195 Then walk back up into the castle and see if he's still alone.
  23. Assuming it's solved. Closing.
  24. Please let me know if you're able to log in now or are still having issues :)
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