@Nasty Nate : You made 2 suggestion topics so far, both not applying to our suggestion section rules. I'd recommend you to read the rules again and apply them before making additional suggestions because as the rulepage stated by not following the rules the suggestion can get automatically rejected, and that would be a waste of time/effort. I'll edit the topic titles of your current suggestions for you, but for future reference, the rules can be found here
The rules I'm referring to regarding this and your other topic are the following:
You must put the specific thing you are suggesting in the title of your topic. It has to be to the point so we can tell what it is by looking at the title.
Do not suggest skill edits or anything that would require source editing. We know it's not ideal, but since it can't be done at this time, try to be creative and work around it (e.g., suggest item/card effects, etc.)
Fighting of any sort does not belong in suggestion topics. All posts should be relating to the suggestion.