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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Aerynth

  1. I got on to the forum for feels trip, saw your name online on the list! Miss you and the gang!

    1. SquidySquid


      Yo! How are you man. I just started playing since MCO. Wanna join? Still fun.

  2. Sweet update! I'm at awe! Haven't seen jaw dropping updates like this in a long while!
  3. Let me get to the attic and get my Valks out! Nice!
  4. I'd get back in the game if this happens.
  5. Can I join your guild to annoy you in guild forum?
  6. Fabled, Elith, Loli Kingdom, Rest In Peace, and Motto.
  7. I miss the old days.
  8. Situations for instances, like defending guild's troop rally around the Emperium defending it would take a longer time for it to break. For a solo breaker without a Paladin, they would go in the middle and break and go away from it to restock their seed to comprehend the massive damage being dealt by the defending guild and other parties. Solo breakers would go in with full supplies but by the time they reach the Emperium room or the Emperium itself, solo breakers would have lost a small margin of their supplies. Note; Solo breakers aren't bad, they're probably one of the things we need to keep the economy in check just incase there are hoarders. They keep the castle economy to zero which is good.
  9. Can I join this guild?
  10. Forum~ too pro. Ban him!
  11. This could be an advantage, could be a disadvantage. Pros; People would recruit more members to cover said disadvantage. No more small to solo guilds during WoE (If people are willing to not go solo). No solo breakers. More classes to be utilised during WoE. Good way to spread out the number/quantity of tokens in the server to the population. (Guild leaders would spend more tokens to recruiting members.) Cons; Big guilds may monopolise the whole WoE as a whole. (This is a big issue for me personally, but can be resolve by having another big guild to take over the reign.) The economy may take a huge hit if there was a monopoly. Fluctuation on Emperium Aurora prices again. (I may be wrong) Valuable Emperium Auroras and Imperial Helms may be hoarded by certain party or an individual. Again, I still don't know how to feel about this. I feel this may be good, but I also feel that this may be bad. Either way, points that I have mentioned both bad and good have been going on before already so if we manage to survive that, we may survive the change as well I guess. Sorry, I can't give you my answer but hope my two cents count. I like the idea of bonding and relying on guildmates, but I have always been relying on them anyways, even with the @storage around. That didn't really bother me so much with that around, Emperium would still be conquered by many. Regarding the backslide issue, it's probably a bug so the GM would fix that soon enough. Big thanks for noticing it though.
  12. What is a vote cape?
  13. I disagree, I want to be over powered. I am acting on self interest and I main a Lord Knight. More power to Lord Knight.
  14. Too many new players, too little time invested getting to know the server. Veterans please educate. Jokes. I just came here to say hi, and I haven't been on a while to know what's really going on with the server but if my clicks from way back claims to not have any problem then there shouldn't be any. Judging from the way this was written, I'm sure you are from a country with high ping, which I myself am from as well. Just don't play champ, I gave up playing champ a long time ago with my ping. I can't play it efficiently as I wanted, other classes are just as fun. Try LK.
  15. Not scam la, chill. Haha, Ami said you were having my LK stuff. Need it back tho.

  16. I use Ice Pick.
  17. But I actually agree with what he just suggested, except the MVP/Boss Room. There was a suggestion about this not long ago, and I still stand by agreeing to it. Minus the enormous buffs it was before. You already pay so much tokens for it, you might as well get to go in the rooms for free. It's a necessity consumable and won't degenerate in price. That won't really effect the economy much in my opinion. Raymond suggested a Fcper buff with the cost of a glistening coat, I agree on that, for the purpose he pointed out. Drew has a point about the guild competition, but then again it just goes to show who your loyal members are so they're not really a concern to be honest, besides, if its just a normal healer with agility and blessing buffs, people won't go all hoo-hah about it and idiotically leave their respective guilds. This is just speaking from my experience and speculations though. Hope this helps.
  18. I'm in for this idea, though I'd like it to be Sacred Wings... I'm torn!
  19. This should be in the general discussion section.
  20. For one, its not about being a pioneer or elitism, I hope you don't miss understand us. I agree that it helps as when I was a newbie in breaking I wanted this room to be implemented. However, when the time passes by, and the more I get to learn about the server, with the psychographic of the players in this server, I actually believe that by implementing this into our server would lead to an array that would not be beneficial for everybody in the long run. It creates a mentally for the players to main a breaker as it is the only class that matters during a WoE and forsake the other classes available in game. Thus, hurting the gameplay of the initial reason why there are various classes available and the mechanics of a WoE. In the end, this suggestion only brings good to one specific class for WoE. Another reason why I disagree to this suggestion as I have already mentioned and that you coincidentally just stated is that there is a lot of competition and defenders, you would most likely are unable to go to your full potential during the real WoE which renders your practice useless. I'd sometimes go with my shoes that is carded with FBH and Dwiz to break and I'm still able to do so. Would I foolishly use a Double Gloom armor during a WoE when there is champs around the Emperium? Breaking Emperium is essentially just pure luck on who would get the last hit, and for skills wise, you just need to know how to time with the number of players around and estimate when will it break, it also requires you to have put in the thought of survivability when there is defenders around because unlike the practice room, there actually is people around you. As long as you either have high damage or a high rate of damage per second, or both, you could break the Emperium. Besides, having an Emperium Practice room would make everybody have the same build if they could find the "best" build. What will happen to using all kinds of card combos like you mentioned during WoE. I strongly disagree, eventhough I main a breaker and that this suggestion would benefit me, because in the end, this suggestion would not bring good to the server in the long run.
  21. I'm a damn sinx and I disagree because of the reasons I've stated. I stand by it, but it's just my two cents. I just don't like seeing these to be breaker orientated, woe is all about team work. You need to strike a balance and this isn't one of it, why render other classes from its usefulness?
  22. Why the hell we did it the last time?
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