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Everything posted by Ryuk
I might be able to agree on changes to the edge for certain classes. but certainly not for all.
I could agree on adding items to your storage with such a command, but not taking items from storage since this would completely remove the advantage of being able to carry a lot..
+1. There are plenty of ways the above classes (LK,Pally,Sinx) can kill without coma. Stop trying to get the already strong classes even stronger and the weaker even weaker. >.<
I see a apple, and I see myself, and that's all I need <3. Thank you Deathina it looks awesome ^w^
Lod does not drop this. you faked quite some people here though ;3. Also yes Ice pick still drops, + LOD only drops the unslotted one.
wow.... So you're basically asking for a DEBUFF on creators ? I disagree completely. Instead I'd like to ask you to try and use ghostring/ raydric cards.
There are many combinations that have no counter. Not just gtb and fcp and it does not only apply to prof and wizard. Wizards have stave crasher , energy coat and safety wall. So they're still able to survive and deal damage , Wizards and professors can cast safetywall fast enough to not get hit at all(or very very hardly get hit) by a assassin cross that uses one weapon. All they'll have to do is wait for the assassin to switch to double dagger to be able to hit = no gtb = vulnerable to magic. The magic damage without gtb is way too high , enabling debuffs through gtb would make Professors way too overpowered. The enemy would have to choose between being spammed to death by the OP dmg of magic, or staying alive dealing 20 dmg on a reduction professor that spams dispell at rediculous rate.
Like having increased sp consumption, no usakoring and not being able to buff yourself if not bad enough already. Yes this will buff the magic classes and nerf all others. There are way to get around gtb such as stripping the shield, target gets fcp then live until it fades, We can't buff every class so every class would be good in any situation. Just because people can get fcp it doesn't mean we should boost the magic users because of it. Also making dispell pierce through gtb would be way too OP, all the professor would have to do is use a ghostring armor and he/she would be invincible.
Certain advanced classes have less hp than supernovices too >__> And baby classes are not supposed to be as powerful as advanced once hence why I don't think they need a boost.
I can vote no for any given reason. The scripting work you're giving us is enormous., if not impossible and it's bringing a lot of risks with it. I prefer not "testing" a npc such as this one considering so many things can go wrong or can be exploited. There are still many things unknown and the suggestion about account debuffs and auto IP ban would be really hard to script, if not impossible. The suggestion is okay but it brings a lot of issues with it. Not to mention that we'd need another log file for this npc as well which will (just like all other logs) grow immensely fast in size. Once again the suggestion is nice but seeing both the pros/cons tells me we should not do this. But don't worry that's just my opinion I suppose, I don't make the decisions here.
This would require quite some scripting work and also has a lot of issues to look into. Like you noted with trading the items away and a possibility of duplicating the item in any way. Also if you borrow someone zeny , that person uses the zeny to buy something and the timer runs out , what happens ? No zeny can be deleted yet the owner would like his/her zeny back. Duplicating zeny just to refund the owner doesn't sound like a good plan to me. I liked the idea but I'm afraid there will be a lot of bugs/security risks if we add something like this. So I vote no to this suggestion.
Topic closed on request.
I disagree with this. As the zeny value would become bigger again, the Dqpons would be less used as a valuta, and would therefore decrease in value. Which would also result in less donations. Also I don't really see any reason to have 2 different main valuta. Both zeny and dqpons are used right now , Dqpons for the bigger purchases, zeny for the smaller ones. I don't really see why we'd need to increase the value of zeny.
I agree on the trap changes + the arrow shower trap moving. But not on the arrow repel piercing pneuma. That'd would be a bit too much (in my opinion). Also crit builds require a lot of gear switching as well, you use less skills but it's not just clicking and ygging.
Problem solved. Topic closed.
Champs already are one of the strongest classes on FRO, I see no reason in buffing them even further ..
I really see no reason at all for adding this...
I don't feel like snipers need a damage boost , however I do agree with returning the trap+arrowshower back to the way it used to be.
Their hp has already been severely buffed with the tao gunka card. Either way that's not what the suggestion is about.
What Supreme said is right. However since it does do physical damage you can use cards such as thanatos or incantation samurai to alter the effect. (Same like high wizard card for magic dmg) but damage adding cards (such as TG) do not work and FBH only works with the boost in matk, not the demi human boost. Also next time if you want to calculate make sure you consider the stacking (when you use multiple of one card the second card adds less and so on) AND all modifiers are always from BASE atk or hp or w/e you're calculating meaning : 8000 + 1600(20%) =9600 again base so +1600 again (20% from 8000, and if we'd consider stacking it would be more like 15% from 8000 but lets keep that aside for now) so then it would be 9600+1600 = 11200 then it's 8000+25% = +2000 meaning 11200 + 2000 is 13200. then 100% from fbh would be +8000 so in total none reduced would be 21200. And that's without the card stacking modifications and assuming these cards would actually work. With the stacking modifications it would be lower. And after all those modifications the reductions from your enemy player kick in.
I really don't mind whether he's talking about one on one or team battles, all I'm saying is wear gtb = - 35% reduction because you won't have usakoring = you're more vurnerable. That's common sense and is in no way wrong.
If you want to strip their shield , use the strip shield card like every other job. , other jobs also have to lower their damage to strip a shield so profs should as well. (in my opinion)
Awesome... Really nice guide, this will surely help people :3. but.. Nuuuuu now people will get my wings ._.;
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