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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Ryuk

  1. I'm currently in class so I can not help at this moment. However once I get home I'll patch up myself and re-upload the files.
  2. Yup, get yourself killed and respawn and your dress/tux will be gone. The movement speed is also caused by the tux. The color weirdness is caused by our custom colors not being able to work with the tux/dress sprite.
  3. http://uploading.com/files/831f798b/FROValkpatched.rar/ 1: Copy and paste the link into your browser. 2: Download the file. 3: Extract it into your RO folder. Overwrite all if it asks you to. 4: Run the patcher in administrator more.
  4. Denied on the CP most of the time means that your IP is blocked. Or you tried logging in too many times. Does anyone else in your home play FRO or maybe played it before ?
  5. You are probably getting this error when running the client, not when running the patch. In order to fix this error you should first try to run the patcher.
  6. The link in his thread is working perfectly fine at this very moment. :blink:
  7. Run the client as administrator. If you still error one of your downloads must've been corrupt or you did not follow the previous steps correctly.
  8. Ryuk

    Ticket Exchanger

    Disagree. Even if we would be able to script this, it would most likely bring security risks as well.
  9. I do agree with giving zeny an additional value somehow. However. Summinging monsters, yes. Buffing scrolls , no. Most buffs are class specific , only those classes should be able to cast it, else it would remove the use of some classes like the priest one. (of course this is just my opinion)
  10. This does not necessarily have to be player sided or server sided. it could be a combination of both. However, I've not experienced any lag lately so I'm afraid it's your connection towards our server. Just because you don't lag on other games or other servers doesn't mean the problem isn't your connection. If you have to go through more hops to get to forsakenRO compared to the other server or game , it's quite logic you'll have more lag/ms.
  11. 1 : Install full installer 2 : Then unpack the above files into your RO folder. 3 : Run the patcher, let it patch. 4 : Play the game errorless.
  12. If you still error after getting the above files and running the patcher, then you did not use our full installer and/or are using other servers in the same folder.
  13. Done. Steps to follow : 1: Copy and paste this link http://www.mediafire.com/?lh45uckb46l6bjg 2: Download the file. 3: Extract it into your RO folder, overwrite all if it asks you to. 4: Run the patcher. 5: Start the game and try if you can log in.
  14. I can agree to disabling the pvp at the maps outside of the castles. If it's possible with the mapflags that is.
  15. Resetting your position/look is only a temporarely fix. You will still error when getting to the cloth color again or if any other user uses the cloth color that errored you. This will most likely fix your problem : 1: Copy and paste this link into your browser http://uploading.com/files/831f798b/FROValkpatched.rar/ 2: Download the file. 3: Extract the file into your RO folder. 4: Run our FROpatcher. 5: Run the game and see if you still error when browsing through the cloth colors.
  16. Ryuk

    Cloak Bonus Cards.

    Interesting idea, I could agree with this. Of course with the knowledge that the effects could be altered a bit if they seem too much for certain classes.
  17. Ryuk

    10 Seconds

    If it's possible then I agree.
  18. evilmaster please try the solutions posted in this topic. Angels&Demons. Please use the tracert forsakenserver.net command and tell me what you get.
  19. Ryuk

    New "reward System"

    QUOTE Events only count if YOU are the one hosting. Those helping don't count. So take turns! Doesn't this only discourage GMs from helping each other ? In my opinion the helping GMs take just the same amount of time and effort into hosting the event as the one that's actually "hosting" it. So helpers/co-hosters not getting any credit at all is one thing I completely disagree with / don't understand. As for the rest. I like the idea.
  20. I expected Ska P but this is alright too :wink:
  21. Ryuk

    Forsakenro Emails

    Added : aurora cloud enlightment lyris prestige shield Had the rest already.
  22. We do not do any skill altering at this moment. We are lacking scripters and changes such as these are risky.
  23. No. GMs do not get payed in any way. If you are 13, you can apply.
  24. Good luck to all the applicants! Make sure you answer all questions fairly ! Looking forward to see the new faces <3
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