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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Ryuk

  1. Nice work ^^ specially the last one (Hunter).
  2. Ryuk

    Whitesmith Job.

    90% of the people either have santa poring or deviling hat. but even without those your damage would remain crap. The sniper is most likely also using 2 taos so your damage would be higher. Again, On these crappy reductions the other classes do WAY more damage than 33k hits.
  3. Unequip all your gear when skilling up. You might have something on your equiment that autocasts or enables the use of turn undead. When you have this you can no longer level it up. So make sure you remove your gears then try again.
  4. Well, I was able to reach 16k ds on just shield users with the elite bow. I do think if you use the right cards and gears you can reach higher damage than the amounts you stated (kobold archer cap for example, so you switch between double kiel and single kiel or fsoldier or w/e you put in kobold). Still at the rate DS can be spammed + from a far range it should be a tad weaker than the shortrange skills and at the moment I think the damage is more than fine. This would fix the baby character problems yes. But still in my opinion certain classes are supposed to be good at breaking, and certain classes are supposed to be better at other tasks. So in my opinion I don't think this should be in (just my opinion though).
  5. Not all classes are made to break the emperium with. If you want to break then use an emp breaking class. Also you have not thought of baby classes. baby classes have the size small as well. This would mean every class would have edp level 5 against them without the 100% dmg reduction. And you can't add 100% less damage to small monsters as well because that would give -100% damage to the emp. I'd very much prefer keeping WoE the way it's supposed to be. With defenders and breakers and not get the same old story we used to have , with guilds having only breakers because guarding would be impossible. As for the pouring cards, I don't think snipers really need an even bigger boost. Unless this change would only work for the king weapon and the rental weapon. Because with the new bow snipers really are strong enough already.
  6. This is the reason why blue emperium auras are worth so much more than others. Changing this would turn the emp aura economy upside down.
  7. Ryuk

    Failed To Connect

    Copy and paste this link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZIJO25L4 into your browser. Download the files and extract them into your RO folder. Then run the patcher. Then try logging in again, you should be able to connect now. Also please dont use the "Report this post" function to ask for attention. your question was answered already. The report post function is for reporting abuse, it's not there to ask for attention.
  8. I never agreed to the re-implementation of the K/D ratio. The new weapons already screwed up the chances of the less geared players by A LOT, while they already had little chances. Now with the re-implementation of the K/D ratio new players lost another way to try and gear up, and that while I thought we wanted to make changes to help the new people instead of reducing their chances even more.. Also You have never given us any proper proof of people cheating in ladder, so I don't get why you keep accusing people.
  9. Ryuk

    Failed To Connect

    What they said ^
  10. Need more info on the actual idea, 10% more on demi human ? or add 10% more atk? Or like the turtle general effect ?
  11. The current idea is WAY too abuse able. And I dont see why such a "President" should have such privileges compared to all other players (including GMs). I pretty much agree with what Justice posted.
  12. Like Ethereal said. It would be way easier for us to implement quests if the community would come up with ideas. So please give us some examples of quests you would like.
  13. There is no reason whatsoever to start a discussion in here again. Please refrain from doing so or We'll be forced to close this topic (again). Last warning.
  14. I wanted to agree with this suggestion. But Phenomenon has a point. this would be quite abuse-able. So I'm afraid I'll have to disagree.
  15. It would render pneuma useless because phantasmic arrow has no delay, as soon as you use one pneuma you'll be knocked out. Yes pneuma still works vs other classes, yet versus snipers (Pneuma is supposed to be best vs snipers) it would be completely useless. If we just enlarge the hp of ankle snare/skid traps then you'll have a way to push them out of pneuma. but phantasmic arrow would be way too easy and way too overpowered to pierce pneuma. Champions can't take someone out within 4 seconds at a 7 tile distance between the champion and the player. Because they only have 1 ranged skill. Snipers however (especially with the new bow) can take out people that fast.
  16. Ryuk

    Sprite Requests

    Removed all posts that had provoking or abusive language. The last topic about sprites turned into a flame war, Please refrain from starting again.
  17. I don't think we're really able to change the fact that colors decide the price of the item, instead of the effect. Forcing everyone to hand in their imp. valk is not an option.
  18. I disagree, this would only enlarge the value gap between the two items. + 5-7 to all stats is too high as well in my opinion.
  19. It's a shame a proper suggestion topic got ruined this way. And for some reason I feel the need to apologize for that. What Annie said is true, the topic should've been closed earlier due to the constant cussing and fighting. However it's impossible for me/us to keep track of every single topic on this forum. Next time something like this happens please use the "Report this post" function to notify us of the situation in this certain topic, so action can be taken earlier and situations won't escalate like this again. :crying_anim:
  20. Ryuk

    Pvp Changes.

    I think you're looking for Terce's/Undernoob's script. Which is actually the dota announcements + counting for ladder.. However I've found a different script with some additions to it (reducing the lag Terce's script might cause + some other features). I'll talk to Genesis to see if it's possible to implement this (again). As it might have been removed due to the use of mapflags.
  21. Everyone seems to disagree, I also see no reason for this card. -Rejected-
  22. Ryuk

    New Weapons

    -Accepted- aka -Fixing-
  23. I'm not sure if this is possible, on top of that I think scripting this would be a waste of valuable time. It's up to you to keep your accounts organized , you don't need 48 characters, that's your own choice. I don't think we should be scripting things just because some people are too lazy to look for their items.
  24. Ryuk

    I Sugesst Things

    Just because some items are disabled doesn't mean the chance of winning increases for the new people. The same "elites" that pvp in the normal room have plenty of resources to get the best Annihilation gears as well. I see no harm in adding an annihilation pvp room , but a separate ladder makes no real sense to me.
  25. I can agree with the ifrit rings. As for the other 2 suggestions. Use a link.
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