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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Ryuk

  1. As to add to your list, wizards major skill is Meteor storm. as for profs their bolts are their main damaging skills , together with their survivability skills. Either way I agree to the element changing ( I thought it did change element though.. never really tested it ) But the MATKx2 seems too much to me. Do keep in mind this is a skill for when people use gtb, meaning they already are having way less reductions and are vulnerable to all other attacks. Considering high wizards can already get HUGE matk giving the skill a MATKx2 add seems overdone to me.
  2. Well do keep in mind that this is a high rate server, hence why it's less about effects and more about power. However I can understand if people want to see more status ailments in game, though in my opinion your suggested effects are WAY too overpowered and would make the assassin class way more powerfull than any other class. For example since edp causes external bleeding and enchant poison causes the poison effect all the assassin cross would have to do is normally attack with both skills on to reduce the target's hp by 20% each second on top of their already huge damage and on top of that you'd also lower the targets HP by 40% and lower their attack speed with 40%. No offense but that seems rediculously OP to me.
  3. Ryuk

    More Hp :3

    This seems more like a joke than a normal suggestion. I don't even see a reason to keep this open since there's no official discussion going on or any decent suggestion made (based on the first post). I'm closing this. If any other gm disagrees he/she can reopen this topic.
  4. Ryuk

    More Hp :3

    You already had quite a big HP boost on high wizard(with the tao change), on top of that you have energy coat which reduces 30% damage when on maximum SP, wizards' survivability is good, they really don't need another boost in that (in my opinion). Please try getting to maximum level and use some decent gears instead of a weak yet awesome cotton shirt.
  5. There's a problem with one of the downloads yes.
  6. A ticket is a direct topic towards the GM members. Most of the time those will be answered faster than normal topics. Also that is your solution. Your solution has been posted in your own topic.
  7. Please check the support section when you have issues with your client or game. As for your problem.. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=B4NWS8QU Copy and paste the link into your browser. Then download the file. Extract all into your RO folder and overwrite all if it asks you to. Tell me if this worked for you or not.
  8. Ryuk

    My Art :)

    The new drawings you added are cute too :tongue: Oh and I've been on Gaia as well, hence why I knew it looked like one ^w^ And I still log on it once in a while =P
  9. You were banned for 5 hours because you provoked Zig to abuse the broadcaster as well. The broadcast npc is not there to personally attack other players. Obviously Zig did not see it as a joke either as he insulted back through the broadcaster. He was banned for 5 hours as well. I have lightened up a tad on this rule, but insulting and provoking through the broadcaster will remain a instant ban.
  10. Ryuk

    Shining Emp

    As far as I know this would be possible. :wink:
  11. Ryuk

    Star Gladiator

    Btw with the hatred skill on a player you select the class, not the character. As for the suggestion, I think removing the hatred cap ( I know it's possible not sure how exactly though) is worth a try, would be fun to see more of the underused classes around.
  12. Ryuk

    I kidnap y00. =D

  13. When there are no GMs online during B/C abuse it would be up to the players to make screenshots and report the player through our ticket system. Unfortunately there's not much we can do to fix this, unless the players start reporting B/C abuse through tickets. Edit : My signature.. is just Ryuk.. How's that scary ? :laugh:
  14. I've never killed a player outside of dice before, so that doesn't really make sense. I think the 15 pms I get in a second distract me more than the broadcasts =D. @Apo You were banned by Genesis. Not by me. +1, Well said.
  15. Item's don't disappear due to inactivity , only character names get wiped after a certain period of time so they can be re-used by other members. Someone must've had access to your account, However since logs don't go back this far I'm afraid we won't be able to help you retrieve your items. Edit : The ticket you made has been elevated to our superiors, but I'm afraid nothing can be done.
  16. Due to lack of time I'm not going to respond to everyone or quote parts, however.. I've always been rather strict when it comes to broadcast abuse and of course there are discussable cases all the time. However there is a certain point where we have to draw the line, I guess every GM has their own line drawn. It's nearly impossible to get all the GMs to agree on a discussable case whether it's abuse or not, also event GMs do not have the power to unban players so GM's can't overrule each other. Personally I think some GMs (including myself) have to light up a bit on this rule. However if we do this there will be a possibility that some cases get off with a warning while others don't. Hence why I'm rather strict to this rule. I want to be fair to every single person on the server , and in my opinion everyone should be treated the same. All in all, it's nearly impossible to draw a line to decide if a certain B/C is abuse or not. I'm afraid it depends on the GM that spots it, and if we losen up on the rule the differences between GM's judgement will only get bigger.
  17. If you're banned for this you're banned for trying to sell your account. not for abusing the broadcaster. These are 2 complete different things. Selling your account is not the same abuse as broadcasting random messages (obviously..) Also, digging up cases from ages ago is possible, but making a topic about it now and saying that CURRENTLY nothing is done about it and gms let it slip etc etc. is wrong. If you have a request for one of the GMs use @request, if you get no response try it again later but don't go abuse the broadcaster with random messages.
  18. 90% of all europeans are missing it now though .. So either way there will always be people that can't make it. It's 4-5pm for europeans and nobody would be home at that time. Adding at least 1 hour would make it 11-12 pm for you guys and 5-6 for europeans. At least most people would be back from school at that time. More votes are always appreciated (doesn't matter if you agree or disagree) so keep them coming :3.
  19. Ryuk

    Whitesmith Job.

    Every person with a off topic post had their warn level increased. However only one of the posts was deleted due to abusive language and trying to start a flame war.
  20. Ryuk

    To: Annie

    And this topic was made why ? Just so you can have another flame war ? I don't think so. Topic closed. If you have problems with a person either deal with it in personal messages or live with it.
  21. Ryuk

    Whitesmith Job.

    Bakai``'s post was removed due to abusive language. As stated in this topic. DO NOT attack each other personally. Share your opinion and elaborate, discussing a change is fine but do no insult other members in any way.
  22. Ryuk


    Additional damage to demi human also does not effect AD, the matk bonus from FBH also does not effect AD because AD is not based on Matk but it's based on int. So what they told you is true. FBH card does not effect AD in any way.
  23. The broadcaster is not there for random messages. Messages such as : "Lol Kate. i am sorry , please forgive me Q_Q..again..Marry me..again =O" should not be broadcasted. These kind of messages belong in PMs. The off topic in the broadcaster is there to ask people to PM you or to ask questions regarding the game(mechanics) , It's not there for random messages that you would like everyone to see. Also ranting is fine, but lieing is not... All people get the same punishment, B/C abuse is an instant 5h ban the first offense. No exceptions. Character name of this person ? Because nobody got banned for 10 years due to broadcast abuse. What proof do you have of this ?
  24. Ryuk


    Wrong. Acid bomb is int based but not matk based. It's a very common mistake people make ^^ You can check the formula/skill description for this. :happystrange:
  25. I 100% agree with this.
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