Due to lack of time I'm not going to respond to everyone or quote parts, however..
I've always been rather strict when it comes to broadcast abuse and of course there are discussable cases all the time. However there is a certain point where we have to draw the line, I guess every GM has their own line drawn. It's nearly impossible to get all the GMs to agree on a discussable case whether it's abuse or not, also event GMs do not have the power to unban players so GM's can't overrule each other.
Personally I think some GMs (including myself) have to light up a bit on this rule. However if we do this there will be a possibility that some cases get off with a warning while others don't. Hence why I'm rather strict to this rule. I want to be fair to every single person on the server , and in my opinion everyone should be treated the same.
All in all, it's nearly impossible to draw a line to decide if a certain B/C is abuse or not. I'm afraid it depends on the GM that spots it, and if we losen up on the rule the differences between GM's judgement will only get bigger.